Monday, October 20, If inside the cell is hypertonic, what is the strength outside the cell? 2. Will there be more or less sugar outside the cell? 3. Draw and label the concentration of sugar molecules outside the cell. 4. What direction will water move?
1 What are 2 jobs/functions of the cell membrane?
2 A solution is 15% sugar and 85% water. What substance is the solute? What is the solvent?
3 The cell is placed in a solution such that it decreases in weight. Draw arrows showing the movement of water and label the egg and solution as hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic.
4 A 25% sugar solution is: a) Hypotonic to a 50% sugar solution b) Hypertonic to a 50% sugar solution c) Isotonic to a 50% sugar solution
5 What type of molecule is the major component of the cell membrane? a) Carbohydrate b) Nucleic acid c) Protein d) Lipid
6 Solute is represented by black dots in the diagram. 1. If the solute can pass through the membrane, what process are we looking at? 2. Which side is hypotonic? 3. Which direction will the particles move?
7 What happens to a cell placed in an isotonic solution? DRAW IT!!!!
8 Describe the process of osmosis using the appropriate terms from the list below: SoluteSolventSolution HypertonicHypotonicIsotonic WaterSugar/Salt
9 Describe the process of diffusion using the appropriate terms from the list below: SoluteSolventSolution HypertonicHypotonicIsotonic WaterSugar/Salt
10 How are Osmosis and Diffusion similar processes?