1 EAP WG Methods Discussion IETF-62 Jari Arkko Bernard Aboba
2 History Original IETF EAP methods (MD5…) unsuitable for wireless usage A large fraction of EAP usage is based on vendor-specific, often undocumented methods –(After RFC 3748 we a bit better control on this.) Only three EAP methods in IETF RFCs (or at least in the RFC Ed Queue): TLS, SIM, AKA These do not cover all needs
3 Current Situation -- Requests for new EAP methods RFC 3748 requires an Expert Review for EAP Type number allocation We currently have multiple requests pending for this process Result would be a set of Informational RFCs
4 Interest in Stds Track Methods? Expert reviews provide only a basic level of conformance & quality assurance Is this enough, leave the rest to the market & other SDOs? Or should the EAP WG to take up the development of a standard method(s)? –Some methods authors are interested in this, but we’d need (a) High quality contributions, people willing to work on them (b) Agreement on WHAT to do (c) A world that cares and uses the results Chairs recommendation: define a limited number (1-2) of methods for specific categories (charter change) Input from other SDOs?