South Thames Foundation Standards for Departmental induction Dr Jan Welch Andrea Taylor STFS is a collaboration between HE Kent, Surrey & Sussex, HE South London, Brighton & Sussex Medical School, King’s College London School of Medicine & St George’s University of London
South Thames Foundation Local departmental induction – GMC “Organisations must make sure learners have an induction in preparation of each placement that clearly sets out: Their duties and supervision arrangements Their role in the team How to gain support from senior colleagues The clinical or medical guidelines and workplace policies they must follow How to access clinical and learning resources As part of the process, learners must meet their team and other health and social care professionals they will be working with.” 1 1 Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training, Standard S1.1. an S1.2, page 9, GMC July 2015 Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training
South Thames Foundation Local departmental induction – experience of foundation doctors ‘If doctors have little understanding of how things run locally then this may lead to delays and mistakes and ultimately compromise patient care’ 2. ‘Experience with departmental induction is more variable, particularly in later rotations’ and doctors are ‘facing many important gaps in their induction experience’ 3. 2 Effective foundation trainee local inductions: Room for improvement, Thompson et al., The clinical teacher 2014; 11: ; John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014, p194 3 Foundation doctor’s induction experience, Miles et al. BMC Medical Education(2015)15:118, page 6-7 Foundation doctor’s induction experience
South Thames Foundation Standards of induction – proposed by STFS Named individual responsible for induction Mechanism for recording attendance Protected time Induction provided to doctor starting out of hours Feedback on induction Involvement of foundation doctors An induction checklist including –Orientation –Role of the foundation doctor
South Thames Foundation Guidelines to planning local/departmental induction Is the following in place: Site access (e.g. swipe cards) Bleeps IT access Rota/weekly work schedule Induction timetable Updated reference information Induction arrangements and content reviewed with staff, incl. foundation doctors Arrangements made for doctors starting out of hours Trainee informed of: o Where to report to on first day o Induction timetable o Rota/Weekly work schedule o Annual Leave arrangement o Contact details for clinical supervisor o Access to reference information First day - 4 week Induction preparation
South Thames Foundation Guidelines to planning local/departmental induction Is the following been covered: Departmental orientation o Key personnel o Fire and safety procedures o Tour of the premises o Access to policies and procedures Role and responsibilities o Clinical Supervision and support arrangements o Rota/Weekly work schedule o Ward Rounds Local/departmental training/information o Investigations o Discharge planning o Referrals o Computer systems o Medical equipment and devices o Handover o Out of hours working o Hospital at night o Consenting patients o Confidentiality First day + 1 week Essential induction
South Thames Foundation Guidelines to planning local/departmental induction Is the following been covered: Additional clinical training Information on o Departmental teaching programme o Ward rounds o MDTs o Leadership/audit activities o Liaison with other departments o Prescribing o Annual leave and study leave Feedback on induction Has the following been returned medical education department Induction attendance information Induction time table Checklist of content covered First day + 4 weeks Further induction
South Thames Foundation Guidelines to planning local/departmental induction Is the following in place: Site access (e.g. swipe cards) Bleeps IT access Rota/weekly work schedule Induction timetable Updated reference information Induction arrangements and content reviewed with staff, incl. foundation doctors Arrangements made for doctors starting out of hours Trainee informed of: o Where to report to on first day o Induction timetable o Rota/Weekly work schedule o Annual Leave arrangement o Contact details for clinical supervisor o Access to reference information Is the following been covered: Departmental orientation o Key personnel o Fire and safety procedures o Tour of the premises o Access to policies and procedures Role and responsibilities o Clinical Supervision and support arrangements o Rota/Weekly work schedule o Ward Rounds Local/departmental training/information o Investigations o Discharge planning o Referrals o Computer systems o Medical equipment and devices o Handover o Out of hours working o Hospital at night o Consenting patients o Confidentiality First day -4weeks Induction preparation First day + 1 week Essential induction First day +4 weeks Further induction Is the following been covered: Additional clinical training Information on o Departmental teaching programme o Ward rounds o MDTs o Leadership/audit activities o Liaison with other departments o Prescribing o Annual leave and study leave Feedback on induction Has the following been returned medical education department Induction attendance information Induction time table Checklist of content covered
South Thames Foundation Induction checklist Are the following items covered during induction? ItemItem description and suggested supporting documentationYesN/A Info available on Dr Toolbox (Yes/No) Info available on Intranet (Yes/No) Orientation 1.1 Introduction to department and structure Overview of the department including tour of area incl. how the department is structured. Maps/floor plans etc. ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 1.2 Key personnel and responsibilities Organisational/departmental structure charts ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 1.3 Local Fire, Security and Health and Safety procedures Shown location of fire exits, alarms and drills, incident reports etc. Local policies and procedures ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Role of the foundation doctor 2.1 Role and responsibilities of the foundation doctor Daily/weekly/monthly responsibilities of the doctor. Competencies to be gained in this role. Role descriptions ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 2.2 Clinical supervision and clinical support Introduction to the clinical supervisor/ Who-how-when to contact for clinical support/Escalation pathway for serious clinical concerns. Contact details for clinical support ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 2.3 Hours of work/rota Hours of work/Introduction to rota. Timetable/rota coordinator/timetable/regular duties of the job ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 2.4 Hospital at night ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 2.5 Annual leave/study leaveLeave, sickness, absence /study leave arrangements including departmental contact for leave authorisation/notification of sickness/any “red flag” days when leave not possible. Leave/Sickness/Absence policy ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐
South Thames Foundation Induction checklist Are the following items covered during induction? ItemItem description and suggested supporting documentationYesN/A Info available on Dr Toolbox (Yes/No) Info available on Intranet (Yes/No) 2.6 Departmental teaching programme Information of departmental teaching available to trainees. Copy of departmental teaching programme ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 2.7 Ward rounds and MDTs Information on Ward rounds and MDT. Schedule of Ward Rounds and MDTs ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 2.8 Leadership/audit activities ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Departmental information 3.1 Contact numbersList of departmental contact numbers ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.2 Investigations (Radiology, Endoscopy, etc.) What/how to request. List of contact numbers. Brief process description ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.3 ReferralsList of contact details for referrals ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.4 Bloods Information and contact details for Biochemistry, Microbiology, Haematology, Phlebotomy etc. List of contact details and process information ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.5 Handover Handover arrangements for beginning and end of the day. Handover protocols ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.6 Discharge planningDischarge protocols ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.7 Computer systems/IT Login/password details/Information and training on computer/IT systems pertinent to the department/How to locate patient notes. Computer system handbook ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.8 Policies, guidelines, standard operating procedures ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.9 Medical equipment/devicesInformation and training on medical equipment and devices pertinent to the department. Medical Equipment User guides ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐
South Thames Foundation Induction checklist Are the following items covered during induction? ItemItem description and suggested supporting documentationYesN/A Info available on Dr Toolbox (Yes/No) Info available on Intranet (Yes/No) 3.10 Liaison with other departments When/why to liaise. Liaison contact details ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.11 ConfidentialityLocal confidentiality/information governance policy ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.12 Consenting patients for procedures Clarify which procedures they can consent/which require training and/or supervision ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ 3.13 PrescribingHighlight common prescribing issues/errors and how to avoid ☐☐ Yes ☐ No ☐