Vocabulary Lesson 9 Grade 6
Creativity the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.
Who’s Who is Who has
Platypus Egg-laying mammal native to Australia. Features include a duck bill, webbed feet and dense fur.
Harmonious free from disagreement
Borrowed take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it
Lent Allow (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it shall be returned
Stern strict and severe Serious
Essential absolutely necessary; extremely important
Inconsiderate thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others
Boulevard a wide street in a town or city
Altogether including everything or everyone; in total
Adolescent a young person in the process of developing from a child into an adult.
Beefy muscular or tough (informal) large and impressively powerful
Agony extreme physical or mental suffering
Feminine having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with women
Grimaced an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face A face often made in pain Past tense of Grimace The man grimaced when the needle was given
Dissipate disperse or scatter (with reference to a feeling or other intangible thing) disappear or cause to disappear The feels of sadness began to dissipate as the sun came out.