1.Without talking, please get out your English binder. 2. Put your backpacks in the back of the room. 3. Sharpen your pencil if you need to. If you need a pencil, you may borrow one from my desk. 4. Have your grammar video notes out so I can see them. 5. Begin writing down the vocabulary words and definitions. Vocabulary Words (September 2) 1.Perilous: dangerous 2.Estrangement: separation based on hostility or misunderstanding *******Review your vocabulary words for your lesson check.
Lesson 3: Using the Reading Strategy Rereading SWBAT use the reading strategy rereading when encountering a difficult text. SWBAT annotate for understanding. SWBAT summarize a text through written expression. SWBAT identify nouns, verbs, subject, and predicates of simple sentences.
Answers When Mary walked to the zoo. Proper noun: Mary Common noun: zoo Action verb: walked; past tense Article: the It is not a complete sentence because it is not a complete thought.
Answers The horses ride too slowly. Proper noun: none Common noun: horses Action verb: ride; present tense Article: the It is a complete sentence.
Answers Justice and love provide a way for humans to reach happiness. Proper noun: none Common noun: justice, love, humans, happiness Action verb: provide; present tense Article: a It is a complete sentence.
Answers Sally rides to the store. Simple subject = Sally; simple predicate = rides The cat walked slowly around the pool. Simple subject = cat; simple predicate = walked
Announcements Lesson Check: Study vocabulary. Review your grammar. For your lesson check, you will also need to annotate the following article the way we have been practicing in class. At the end, you need to summarize the article and reflect upon whether or not you agree with the article and the reasons why. An audio recording will also be made available on my school website for students who are auditory learners. As part of the lesson check, you will debate over the article and will hand in your annotations and summary. Please write in complete sentences. You will be graded based on your annotations, summary, and reflection. Your summary and reflection at the end must be in complete sentences.
Two Groups 1) On-Going Project 2) Practicing the Reading Strategy Rereading Why am I letting you do this in class?
Desk Arrangement Desks 1, 2, 3, 4 Desks 5, 6, 7, 15b Desks 8, 9, 10, 11 Desks 12, 13, 14, 15 Desks 16, 17, 18, 19 Desks 20, 21, 22, 23
Group 1: Pick an excerpt from the cart. Follow the instructions on the handout. Group 2: Work on your on-going project. If you have a question, grab a styrofoam cup and work on your debate article until I can get to you.
Group 2: Pick an excerpt from the cart. Follow the instructions on the handout. Group 1: Work on your on- going project.
General Questions or concerns????
ce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAmoVChMIg7TQ0_LUxwIVB0- SCh3bTQGt#tbm=isch&q=Bilbo+and+gandalf&imgrc=gMwFnV4DP43l3M%3A Gandalf finds Bilbo. Bilbo reveals he plans to leave the shire for good. Bilbo is going to leave Frodo everything, including the ring.
Bilbo does not want to give up the ring. Gandalf finally convinces him to put the ring on the mantel-piece.
Frodo comes in after Bilbo leaves. Gandalf tells Frodo to keep the ring secret and safe.
As master of Bag End, Frodo distributes Bilbo’s presents.
The Sackville-Baggins are upset they did not inherit Bag-End.