By James Bartlett, Craig Leibelt and Jessica Moody
Unilever is ramping up promotion for its new line of hair products for men Comedy Central, Spike, MTV and VH1 Goal is to push viewers to tune in March 15 th Feature pieces of promotion during commercials over the span of three shows on MTV
Unilever is not new to producing clever ad campaigns “The Game Killers”The Game Killers “Exposing the order of the serpentine”
Targeting both men and women Unilever's research showed that 85% of guys think their hair looks pretty good, but less than half of girls agree that guys have great hair. Each TV station the campaign is aired on will appeal to a slightly different male audience "about getting lots of people to participate in the discussion"
MTV is working closely with AXE NBC’s Saturday Night Live has worked with Pepsi to develop ads for their show This relationship is much more involved than a standard ad agency This can help create lasting relationships with brands and networks