AIM SANDHURST 16 External Teams consisting of ROTC, OCS, sister service academies and international teams will arrive at the USMA and conduct a training week over the period of 3-7 Apr 16 in order to acclimatize with the training area and conditions, zero their weapon system (either their own or borrowed from USMA) mitigating the risk of incident or injury during the competition. This year’s training week will also include an international conference hosted by the Modern War Institue on 4 APR 16. Sandhurst 16 EXTERNAL TEAM TRAINING WEEK
Training faciliated by DMI for: – Zeroing of Rifles – Weapons familiarization – EST – TCCC – Obstacle course – Modern War Institute Conference Additional training to be planned and conducted by Team Managers Sandhurst 16 EXTERNAL TEAM TRAINING WEEK
Execution 3 APR 16 – RSOI by BTD LNOs APR16 – Mandatory Briefings 04 APR 16 – MWI Conference APR16 – Training Rotations APR16 – Competitor OPORD – Competition Begins Sandhurst 16 EXTERNAL TEAM TRAINING WEEK
Locations of Training Sandhurst 16 EXTERNAL TEAM TRAINING WEEK
Locations of Training Sandhurst 16 EXTERNAL TEAM TRAINING WEEK
Team Manager Constraints Additional Training (other than background activity) must be arranged through host company. Rifle training focused on achieving a zeroed weapon and familiarizing with US Army range conduct rather than the application of fire BTD LNO to direct and support training outside of DMI resourced events Sandhurst 16 EXTERNAL TEAM TRAINING WEEK
Sandhurst 16 EXTERNAL TEAM TRAINING WEEK Modern War Institute Conference Keynote by LTG H R McMaster Breakout Sessions The Future of Landpower Special Operations in a Complex World US Strategy in a Multipolar World Landpower in Eastern Europe Information Operations in a Connected World The Future of Counterinsurgency Operations Cyber Operations Teaching Landpower Teaching Strategy and Policy Women in Combat Arms Learning Outside of the Classroom Methods for Complex Problem Solving
Sustainment Transport – Movement of teams by own vehicles Meals – Troops deploying to the range / Camp Buckner will receive MREs. All other meals in the CDT Mess. Ammunition – 5.56mm rounds per 11 person team. OPSLOGSYNC – Daily from 4 APR – 07 APR at 1800 in WH5114 to coord next 48 hours Sandhurst 16 EXTERNAL TEAM TRAINING WEEK
Command and Signal C2 will conducted from WH5117 until execution of the competition where the TOC will stand up in Eisenhower Hall Ball Room Coord meeting to take place for team managers 1800 in DMI B Room WH5114 OIC for External Team Training Week is MAJ Boggs DMI Sandhurst 16 EXTERNAL TEAM TRAINING WEEK