Page 1 IceCold Pilot Study
Page 2 Pilot Candidate: Siemens 501 Fountain Parkway 32 RTUs provide cooling to 170,000 SF of Office and Production Spaces 21 of these RTUs are Electrically Fed from 2 Dedicated Electrical Panels Pilot Test: Introduce IceCOLD Catalyst to these Units While Logging Electrical Consumption of the Dedicated Panels Before and After Installation 2 Sources of Heat Gain: Internal (Manufacturing/People – Fixed / Constant Load) and External (Weather Based) Compare Normalized Electrical Consumption of Pre- and Post- IceCOLD Addition Pilot Study Overview
Page 3 Concept: Evaluate kWh / CDD Before and After Installation Isolate RTUs to be Monitored 3 rd Party Electrical Monitoring – Pre and Post Installation Track Local Weather Variables (Min/Max Temp, CDD) Confirm No Significant Variance Production Loads Validate Strong Relationship Between Electrical Consumption and Weather “IMVP Option B” Compliant M&V Methodology Strong Correlation with Weather Dranetz PX – 5
Page 4 15% Aggregate Reduction Panel 2: Impact of Economizers Results Both Panels Total Period KWH/CDD vs time /65/75/85/9 5/105/115/125/135/145/155/165/175/185/195/205/215/225/235/245/255/265/275/285/295/305/31 6/1 KWH/CDDLinear (KWH/CDD)
Page 5 Under Sized Systems – If systems are undersized for the space / application served and cannot meet set points, then reductions in compressor cycling may not occur (although the space condition may improve). Implemented Control Strategies: Strategies such as free cooling (economizers) or temperature setbacks, etc, may reduce the impact of the savings potential. “New” vs. “Old” Equipment: New equipment has less fouling, potentially reducing the impact of the catalyst. (Many Panel 2 RTUs are recent replacements; Panel 1 RTUs >15 Years Old). New equipment more likely to include economizers, etc. For M&V: Must “Isolate” the equipment for comparison (so loads aren’t “shifted” from monitored units to others), account for all cooling loads (variability), show strong correlation for comparisons. Considerations for Future Candidates
Page 6 Equipment Inventory (Mfg / Model / Tonnage / Nameplate Data) Control Strategies Implemented (Economizers, Scheduling, Setbacks, etc) Function of Areas Served (Office, Production, etc) Building Location,etc M&V Requirement? Data Needed for CSI Evaluations