Lynn Hollen Lees Vice Provost for Faculty
Promotion Timelines Pre-Submission Submission
Appoint. Start Date 7/1/2011 Reappoint. 7/1/2015 Preparation for Mandatory Review Begins 7/1/2015 Mandatory Review 7/1/ /30/2017* TIMELINE FOR TENURE TRACK – 7 YEAR (4 year initial term) *7/1/2017 promotion or terminal year
Appointment Start Date 7/1/ st Reappoint. 7/1/2015 Preparation for Mandatory Review Begins 7/1/2018 Mandatory Review 7/1/ /30/2020* TIMELINE FOR CE TRACK or TENURE TRACK – 10 YEAR (4 year initial term) 2 nd Reappoint. 7/1/2018 *7/1/2020 promotion or terminal year
Promotion – Promotion – Pre Submission Documents RequiredNot Required Affirmative Action Form Extramural Consultant List Department and/or School Personnel Committee Approval English Fluency Form* *required at Appointment
Components of Dossier for Promotion Components of Dossier for Promotion – Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure; Conversion to Tenure at the Associate Professor level; Promotion to Professor 1.Personnel Action Form (PAF) a. can be generated by FIS 2.Dean’s Letter 3.Personnel Committee Chair’s Letter with vote as recorded 4.Department Chair’s letter including departmental vote; any dissenting vote(s) must be explained; any early action must be explained. 5.Current CV with date visible
Components of Dossier for Promotion Components of Dossier for Promotion –Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure; Conversion to Tenure at the Associate Professor level; Promotion to Professor 6. Personal Statement (strongly recommended) 7. Teaching Chronicle a. List of courses taught by faculty since last promotion or six years, whichever is shorter b. Number of enrolled students c. List of supervised graduate students d. List of independent studies with undergraduate students e.Evaluation of teaching for courses: scores, comments, letters, faculty opinion.
8.Table showing the distribution of the Standing Faculty in the department by rank and tenure status 9. At least three intramural letters of reference from senior members of the University faculty a. if a secondary appointment is being recommended, a letter from the chair of the secondary department should be added Components of Dossier for Promotion Components of Dossier for Promotion – Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure; Conversion to Tenure at the Associate Professor level; Promotion to Professor
Components of Dossier for Promotion Components of Dossier for Promotion – Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure; Conversion to Tenure at the Associate Professor level; Promotion to Professor 10.Extramural letters of reference a. Part A - at least six b. Part B – up to three 11.A copy of the solicitation letter a. if an extension was taken, the letter must contain the relevant extension statement
Components of Dossier for Promotion Components of Dossier for Promotion – Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure; Conversion to Tenure at the Associate Professor level; Promotion to Professor 12. A copy of the approved Extramural Consultant Form* 13.A list of the consultants showing the result of each request made (e.g. Received/Not Received/No Response to our Request/Pending) 14.All communications such as exchanges between consultants and School should be included *Vice Provost’s signature not required for Promotion to Professor
Components of Dossier for New Appointment Components of Dossier for New Appointment – Associate Professor with Tenure or Professor with Tenure Appointment from outside Penn requires Vice Provost’s signature on Extramural Consultant Form. Dossier contents are the same as #’s 1 through 14 as outlined in previous slides.
DOSSIER ASSEMBLAGE TIPS Put a title page at the front of the document and between and separating the individual sections. All pages of the dossier should be numbered (required).
DOSSIER ASSEMBLAGE TIPS Six hard copies of the dossier should be delivered to the Vice Provost for Faculty’s office once a case has been audited. Cases received after the deadline will normally be postponed to a future meeting. Cases for which there is no approved compliance form or other required documentation on file may also be postponed.
TEACHING CHRONICLE TIPS Consider developing common standards for a teaching chronicle. Consider having the School’s education officer or similar administrator summarize the teaching data in one report. Work on assembling the teaching chronicle should begin the year before the mandatory review year.