Radar Nomek 2009 The radar lectures will concentrate in applications in weather service. I'm trying to talk less about how the radar makes pictures, and more about how the meteorologist reads the pictures. Those of you who want to brush up your knowledge of the technology, there are some weblinks available: NOAA/NWS Distant learning operations course: Principles of meteorological Doppler radar at Just bear in mind this is an American course for 1980's radar network - Scandinavian, and especially Baltic countries have much newer systems. So chapter 6 is not so much valid for Nomek. About Doppler by Petr Novak in CHMI (Czech Rep.): This is deeper than what will be covered in Nomek
Identification of non-meteorological echoes in the radar images In the image next page, we have identified 18 factors affecting what you see in the radar display (Settings of your colour scale is nr. 19) Task 1: look at the image, find out what the words mean. Eumetcal glossary, google and dictionaries may help (what is ”chaff” in your language ?) Task 2: find out what kinds of cleaning happens to your radar data before you see it (or before the audience sees it, is there a difference) Task 3: Try to find out, what the colours of your radar images mean. For some, ”red” is ”heavy rain” or 16 mm/h, or maybe 50 dBZ. How does it convert to other units ?
Challenges of radar measurement Daniel Michelson, SMHI