Agenda I.Welcome and Agenda Review II.Direct Funding Information III.Overarching Themes IV. Priorities and Strategies Review I.Snapshot of regional data II.3-Year Plan Revision III.Annual Plan Update 2015/16 IV.Preparation for Allocation Alignment V.Preliminary Allocation Schedule Discussion I.Petition for consortium allocation
Direct Funding Information Allocation schedule describes which members will be receiving consortium dollars to provide what services which are aligned with the 3-Year Plan and approved by the consortium governing board. Expenditure reporting requirements are the same regardless of using fiscal agent and direct funding. Compiling of records can be done by consortium lead/coordinator. More and more consortia are selecting direct funding option based on the 5% cap on indirect costs. Some consortia authorize their governing board to certify individual, audited district records for final reporting requirements. Timeline for distribution may actually be shorter since formal MOUs must be in place with all members before distributions can begin.
Comparison of Fiscal Agent v. Direct Funding for Consortium Allocation Fiscal AgentDirect Funding Roles and ResponsibilitiesDistributes funds monthly based on consortium allocation schedule. Fiscal agent enters into MOUs with consortium members establishing formal contract State CDE/CCCCO distributes monthly funding to members 30 days after receipt of consortium allocation schedule Face SheetOne Face Sheet in place for the consortium distribution Each member has its own Face Sheet with amount of allocation Administrative Cap 5%Off the top for Indirect Costs related to consortium fiscal agent activities Entire 5% can be used by members receiving consortium allocations for indirect costs Quarterly ReportingExpenditure reports combined and submitted collectively to the state Expenditure reports combined and submitted collectively to the state by lead Certification ProcessSubmits fiscal reports to state on behalf of the consortium Annual audit records are submitted to lead from each member and reports submitted to State collectively. Governing board of consortium certifies.
ABOUT STUDENTS Overarching Themes Access and Capacity Alignment of Transitions and Pathways Outreach and Support Services Consortium Sustainability
Regional Priorities and Strategies for Implementation Governance Board of officially designated members Establish formal agreements Restore access and capacity in literacy courses Rebuild short-term CTE programs Align strategies for transition and pathways Align curriculum and course objectives Establish baseline objectives for support services Improve communications
Current Needs of Adult Education Service in ABout Students Region 57,610 unemployed 126,183 less than a high school graduate 160,319 speak English less than “very well” 84,281 live in poverty
3 Year Plan Revision Executive Summary Updates and changes to Objectives 1 & 2 data Systematic Projection of AE system for – Placement into programs and services – Pre-apprenticeship training – Development of skills to assist k-12 academic students – Collection of data – Qualification of instructors – Alignment of academic content and curricula – Alignment of educational services
Annual Plan Update Summary of Program Year – Description of vision and goals – Milestones identified Services and Funding Allocations – Workbook, spreadsheets, tables Action Plan Outcome targets Integration of existing programs and transitions Regional Assessment Plan Addressing gaps Accelerating student progress Professional development Leveraging existing regional structures Budget by Objective Level of Services and Assessment of Effectiveness – Performance measures
ABout Students Allocation Schedule
Example of Member Table
Member Information
Expected Performance Measures Performance Measures Gains in literacy High School Diploma completions High School Equivalency Completions Transition from K-12 Adult to Post- secondary Percent attain Pell Grant Eligibility Percent of completion of certification programs Percent placed in jobs Percent with increased wages
Determining Consortium Allocations Discussion Petition for consortium allocation Completion of Tables 2 & 3 Identify the gaps in capacity from 2014/15 Align with consortium priorities and objectives Target performance outcome measures What else????
Next Steps Complete tables 2 & 3 Review gaps in current capacity Identify fiscal needs to meet capacity Consider outcome targets for your petition