1 AMPS 4 22/23.1.2004 Brussels Discussion Paper As of 13.1.2004, Bullet 4 Analytical Methods for Operational and Surveillance Monitoring Of WFD PS.


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Presentation transcript:

1 AMPS 4 22/ Brussels Discussion Paper As of , Bullet 4 Analytical Methods for Operational and Surveillance Monitoring Of WFD PS

2 4.Analytical methods for operational and surveillance monitoring 4.1.Data Quality Requirements and QA/QC approaches on European level for compliance checking Data Quality Requirements Data Quality Assurance and Quality Control 4.2.Existing and new methods Existing methods for whole water (incl. SPM) New methods for whole water 4.3.Methodological Aspects Requiring Specification Sediment sample preparations Sampling Methodology.

3 4.ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR OPERATIONAL AND SURVEILLANCE MONITORING 4.1.Data Quality Requirements and QA/QC approaches on European level for compliance checking Data Quality Requirements EAF (5) AMPS-DQR

4 Uncertainty of measurement –Def.: Parameter associated with the result of a measurement, that characterises the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand. Eurachem guide (2000) Lower limit of application –The lower limit of application refers to the lowest concentration for which a method has been validated with specified accuracy. Adopted according to definition of “range of application” ISO/TR Data quality elements :

5 What data quality is required? A table has been drafted to propose required measurement uncertainty (Annex B) Based on the assessment of uncertainty information from 10 European countries a combined standard uncertainty (RSD) of 25% has been proposed as default A coverage factor (for definition see Annex A) of 2 (corresponding to an approximate level of confidence of 95%) is chosen to derive the expanded uncertainty of 50%

6 The lower limit of application is required to be equal or lower than 30% of the EQS. This ensures that PS concentrations around the proposed EQS can be measured with acceptable uncertainty The proposals for required uncertainty and lower limit of application cannot be achieved for several PS at present Laboratories should work according to internationally accepted QA/QC schemes (e.g. as required in the accreditation standard EN/ISO/IEC 17025).

7 The AMPS Expert Group is invited to consider: the proposed DQR as outline in Annex I to this discussion document

Data Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidance: EAF (5) AMPS-DQR AMPS(4) discussion paper analytical requirements

9 Use of analytical methods with proven performance Laboratories should work according to internationally accepted QA/QC schemes, including following the accreditation standard EN/ISO/IEC and compliance with the internationally agreed guidance on quality control, ISO/TR 13530, (Water quality – Guide to analytical quality control for water analysis).

10 The AMPS Expert Group is invited to consider: Are these documents the relevant and suitable references. To which level should these requirements be harmonised Shall other issues be considered in this context?

Existing and new methods Existing methods for whole water (incl. SPM) EAF(6) AMPS-overview table analytical methods Amended with current EQS proposals To do: 1/3 EQS to be considered Further amend with other methods


13 Latest version amended with current EQS proposals (EAF6) 1/3 EQS to be considered Further amend with other methods

New methods for whole water Update to: EAF(4)-05/03/JRC-IES-AMPS Update-AMPS-PBDE-SCCP Nonylphenol update on method development 230_N0461_Outcome_SCCP_Workshop

15 The AMPS Expert Group is invited to consider : If standard methods shall be referred to in the legal act to review “research methods” as well as Standard Methods. to continue to submit information about methods used for whole water (including SPM). continuing to contribute to the development of new methods submitting information about standardised methods for sediment and biota sampling.

Methodological Aspects Requiring Specification Sediment sample preparations The AMPS Expert Group is invited to : Consider the best way forward Sampling Methodology