+ Front of Card 1. Your name, age, birthday, and 2. Name and phone number of your primary guardian(s) 3. Do you have a computer with internet access at home? Back of Card- Write a short paragraph about what you like to do in and outside of school? Are you in sports, have a hobby, play a musical instrument? Tell me about it. Welcome! Silently choose a seat and record the required information on the provided index card. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. You have 5 min. to complete this activity.
+ Agenda Review Syllabus- 15 min. Website Navigation- 5 min. True Colors Activity and Assignment- 20 min. Word Power Diagnostic (Part I- if time) Team Building Activity (If time) Homework/ Closing- 5 min.
+ The Website
+ Homework/ Closing Silent Reading- Friday Syllabus Quiz- Friday Registered for Townsend Press Online Learning- Monday True Colors Essay and Mobile- Monday Materials- Monday Signed Syllabus Slip- Monday Exit Ticket- Index Card
+ Silent Focus- Come in, and begin this work silently. Write for the full 5 minutes even if you have to switch topics and write about something else. Look at these facts about literacy: So strong is the link between literacy and being a useful member of society that some states use 3 rd grade reading statistics as a factor in future prison construction. Forty percent of high school graduates lack the reading and writing skills that employers seek, and almost a third of high school graduates who enroll in college have to take remedial classes. To compete in the global information economy, young people today need literacy skills far more advanced than have been required of any previous generation. The fastest growing jobs make the highest literacy and education demands. What do you think about all of this? How ready are you personally to compete in today’s job market? How do you feel about your own reading and writing skills? What are some personal goals you could make for yourself?
+ Agenda Review of class guidelines and “keeping a small problem a small problem.” Word Power Diagnostic and Correction Why we study vocabulary Registering for Townsend Press Online Learning Closing/ Homework
+ Townsend Press Online Learning Center Create a student account. Follow the directions and select me as your teacher from the drop down menu. Register by Monday!
+ True Colors True Colors Writing and Mobile 1. Write an essay that describes your True Colors test results. Do you agree with them? Give details of your real life that exemplify your points. (At least 5 paragraphs) 2. Create a mobile using a piece of colored foam that correlates to your color, and any other materials you choose. Your mobile MUST have Your name A picture of you A personal/ career goal and/or quote Your own style
+ Silent Focus Friday, September 10 Take out a sheet of paper and prepare it with the correct header in the upper right-hand corner. Title it, “Reading Inventory” Wait for further instructions silently.
+ Agenda Syllabus Quiz Reading Mini-Lesson (ML) #1 Reading ML #2 Monthly Book Report Guidelines Overview Complete Word Power Diagnostic (Possibly move to Monday) Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) and Literary Letter Closing/ Homework Exit Ticket: Literary Letter
+ Syllabus Quiz- Half sheet of paper with the correct heading and title. 1. Name 3 materials that you need to have on Monday. 2. Write out our 5 classroom rules. 3. What is 1 of our Big Goals. 4. Write one sentence about our late work policy. 5. What is the address of my class website?
+ Reading ML #1 - Good readers can distinguish between the two major types of texts: fiction and nonfiction. Fiction: did not happen in real life. There are characters in a story who did not exist in real life (even though sometimes it seems like they could have been alive, they were created by the author). Examples: mystery, science fiction, fantasy, realistic fiction, plays, poetry. Nonfiction: did happen in real life or explains real life things. Examples: newspapers, textbooks, magazines, informational texts, biographies, autobiographies.
+ Reading ML #2- Good readers know a lot about their books before they start reading. Good readers look at: The cover (title, author, picture) The back of the book Excerpts on the first few pages/book jacket (and use the 5- Finger Rule to make sure it’s a “just right” book) The title page/ dedication page The Library of Congress Page Any information about the author (usually on the back inside cover)
+ Literary Letter- a friendly letter to me that tells me specific things about what you’re reading independently What do you notice on the cover of the book? What is one big thing that you think will happen in the book? What made you say that? Read the back of the book. What do you think the book will be about? (Who, what, why…) Who is the author of this book? See if there is an author biography on the back inside cover. If so, what interesting info did you learn about the author? Think about how an author’s life could influence the way they write. Look at the Library of Congress Page. This page helps the United States sort all of our books! Look over that page. Is this book fiction or nonfiction? Now start reading. When there are 7 minutes remaining I will tell you to stop and write a paragraph or two about what you’ve read so far in your book.
+ Independent Work Time First, finish your Word Power diagnostic. When you are finished, put your answer sheet and test in the upper right hand corner of your desk and raise your hand. Once I collect your work, you can silently go to the shelves (if needed) to choose a book. You can only be at the shelves for 2 min or less. Return to your seat and start reading. Books on your desks Heads up Silent Feet under your desk
+ Returning Books/ Checking Books Out When returning books to the shelves No Talking Put books back properly (spine out, words visible) If you got the book from a basket, return it to the basket. If you want to check a book out: See the class librarian(s) to sign out in the ledger. If there are several people waiting to check out books, wait patiently and quietly. Write in your planner the day it needs to be returned. (Three weeks from the day you check it out.)
+ Closing/ Homework Registered for Townsend Press Online Learning- Monday True Colors Essay and Mobile- Monday Materials- Monday Signed Syllabus Slip- Monday Exit Ticket- Literary Letter