We are all heroes when we work to help others and when we work to make the world a better place… even though we’d rather be doing something else.
This is where I worked.
This land was saved for us to care for and enjoy
because it is so beautiful and rich with life.
Photographs by Richard Jackson
Mother Oak
One stream of water runs into another. Together they provide clean water and even sand on the beach.
So Many Kinds of Wildflowers
How many other places could you count 1,048 butterflies in a single day?
Programs for Families
Visiting the Sister Oak Walking the Middle Ridge Trail
Father’s and Mother’s Day Inspiration
Photography workshop
College classes visit.
Free field trips for students.
Nothing like wildlife for inspiration!
People came and learned to make musical instruments.
Then, they learned to make music.
Weed warriors from San Clemente High!
Will you be our hero?
Heroes saved this land…
People wanted to put a road right through the middle of it.
They wanted to cut up every ridge and fill every canyon with the rock and soil.
This is another canyon in the path of the road. The road would have blocked the streams and building it would have buried thousands of oak trees.
The road would have gone here.
The road would have gone through here.
This land was saved by hundreds of heroes!
You can be a hero and help the plants and animals every day.
Pick up trash and recycle. Stay on the trail. Leave your dog at home when you hike in the wilderness.
Save water. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth. Take shorter showers.
Pick up trash and cut plastic so nobody gets stuck.
Leave animals in their wild home.
Watch animals in the wild. Leave them there…even if you really want to take them.
Reuse. Reduce. Recycle.
Be a hero! Care enough to do a little extra work to help out!