An induced electric current flows in a direction such that the current opposes the change that induced it. This law was deduced in 1834 by the Russian physicist Heinrich Friedrich Emil Lenz ( ).
Faraday’s law
x y z
x y z
x y z
apply Stoke’s theorem
I eat all magnetic monopoles!
wire carrying current I I 2w L u VV x
Bewley’s book w trick questions w not every motion generates a voltage w uniform B & v w substitution of circuit w V gen = 0!
X B 1 2 c u
X B c u V 12 = 0
X B 1 2 c u V 12 = Bcu
X B 1 2 c u V 12 = Bcu
X B 1 2 c u
X B c u V 12 = -Bcu V 12 = Bcu
X B 1 2 c u V 12 = -Bcu V 12 = Bcu
1 I 1 dl 1 B2B2 I 2 dl 2 B1B1
Equation of continuity weweconomics wIwIf more comes out than you put in, the bag will decrease! wTwThere will be a flux of $. wFwFlux is related to what is or was inside the bag.
nnote that there is a flux out through a surface z a time t > 0 [[flux density] s = - [ ($ density)/ t] v x o