Position #1 Still interferes with acceptance of the SHMS and min angle. Not much room to attach to pipe flanges and may hit clamps on HMS Snout Position #2 Still interferes with acceptance of the SHMS and min angle. If extended stroke is used, care shall be taken to check interference with bender adjuster links during rotation. Position #1 Position #2 Acceptance for SHMS and HMS at min angle positions shown
VAT PA44 and Agilent Series 12 (pretty much identical) Both valves have a 2 ½ nom bore. Both at the widest point is about 130mm (5.12 in) at the flange. Vacuum Research can make extended stroke valve. Unsure about the VAT and Agilent valves. ( I have a call in) Vacuum Research NW 63
Illustration showing possible area of concern when using extended stroke gate valve in Position #2 Possible solution: Rotate gate valve 22.5 deg off TDC