PRESENTERS : Agnes Ak. Jinie Efida Bt Nawawi Sh. Nurizah Syed Abdullah
Learning and transfer: A general role for analogical encoding (Dedre G. et al.) Alternative perspectives on the transfer of learning: History, issues and challenges for future research (Joanne Lobato) Research methods for alternative approaches transfer (Joanne Lobato)
“from the Classical perspective, transfer is defined as the application of knowledge learned in one context to a new context” (Bransford et al., 2000)
Based on the video How To Make An Arm Sling demo how to make the arm sling.How To Make An Arm Sling
“From the actor-oriented transfer perspective, transfer is defined as the generalization of learning, which can also be understood as the influence of learners’ prior activities on their activity in novel situations” (Lobato, 2003)
From the newspaper given, make a hole that fit all the members in each group
When the learning carried out in one situation proves helpful to learning in another situation When learning in one context improves performance in some other context Positive Transfer
What are your experiences based on positive transfer in daily life?
When the old knowledge is interfere with new knowledge When learning in one context has a negative impact on performance in another context Negative Transfer
What are your experiences based on negative transfer in daily life?
According to Thorndike (1906), transfer occurs to the extent to which original learning and transfer situations share identical elements—typically interpreted as shared features of physical environments or common stimulus elements, especially by later behaviorists.
Researchers typically use improved performance as a measure of transfer, predetermining “what” will transfer rather than making the “what” an object of investigation.
1. Understanding versus memorizing2. Time to learn3. Beyond (time on task)4. Motivation to learn5. Context of original learning
The tasks across which transfer occurs remain unchanged during transfer and that the “transferor” reproduces existing relations between fixed tasks (Beach,1999; Sfard,1998)
The formation of sufficiently abstract representations is a necessary condition for transfer (Reed, 1993; Singley & Anderson, 1989) Abstraction is typically conceived as the extraction of commonalities from a set of concrete examples (e.g., Rosch & Mervis, 1975) thus conceived as a process of decontextualization.
Conception of Abstraction Situated abstraction Abstraction in context Collective abstraction Actor- oriented abstraction
TRANSFER MECHANISMS Process causality (Maxwell, 2004) Social framing (Greeno et al. 1993) Discernment of differences
Video Video What is transfer of learning? How to make the transfer successfully?