M4 Carbine Description: Lightweight, gas-operated, air-cooled, magazine-fed shoulder fired weapon that can be fired in either semi-automatic or three round burst mode.
Characteristics Elevation Knob Windage Knob Handguards Carrying Handle Rear Sight Assembly Front Sight Assembly Charging Handle Ejection Port Cover Bayonet Lug Forward Assist Assembly Sling Buttstock Assembly Magazine Catch Assembly Trigger
Characteristics Front Sight Post Bolt Catch Compensator Selector Lever Slip Ring
M4 Disassembly Remove Sling Remove Handguards if possible depending on variant. Remove Upper and Lower Receiver Remove Bolt Carrier group and Bolt Remove Charging Handle Disassemble Bolt Carrier group Remove Firing Pin Retaining Pin Remove Firing Pin Bolt Cam Pin Remove Bolt Remove Buffer and Buffer Spring
M4 Assembly Replace Buffer and Buffer Spring Assemble Bolt Carrier Group Replace Bolt Replace Bolt Cam Pin Replace Firing Pin Replace Firing Pin Retaining Pin Replace Charging Handle Replace Bolt Carrier Group Attach Upper Receiver to Lower Receiver Replace Handguards Attach Sling
M69 Practice Hand Grenade
HAND GRENADE GRIPPING PROCEDURES The importance of properly gripping the hand grenade cannot be overemphasized. Soldiers must understand that a grenade not held properly is difficult to arm. Sustainment training is the key to maintaining grip efficiency. Holding the grenade in the throwing hand with the safety lever placed between the first and second joints of the thumb provides safety and throwing efficiency. Gripping procedures differ slightly for right- and left-handed Soldiers. Remember acquire target hold the spoon, pull safety clip off, pull pin, then throw!
Right-handed Soldiers Right-handed Soldiers hold the grenade upright with the pull ring away from the palm of the throwing hand so that the pull ring can be easily removed by the index or middle finger of the free hand (Figure 3-3).
Left-handed Soldiers Left-handed Soldiers invert the grenade with the fingers and thumb of the throwing hand positioned in the same manner as by right-handed personnel (Figure 3-4).
Prone-to-standing throwing position
Prone-to-kneeling throwing position
Alternate prone throwing position
PVS 17 – Night Vision Device
Guidance Recommendation Arrive USMA for competition able to understand the US Army terminology in order to effectively receive hands-on training from the US Army Reserve Soldiers. Any additional questions can be directed to the attached Brigade Tactical Dept LNO. Questions?