Chapter 12
The extremities consist of— Bones. Soft tissue. Blood vessels. Nerves.
Pain or tenderness. Swelling. Discoloration. Deformity of the limb. Inability to move or use the limb. Severe external bleeding. Loss of sensation, feeling or tingling. A limb that is cold to the touch.
The upper arm is the upper extremity from the shoulder to the elbow.
Place the upper extremity in a sling and bind it to the chest. Apply ice or a cold pack to the injured area.
Immobilize the elbow and the wrist if a forearm injury is suspected.
Includes: Pelvic bones Thigh bone (femur) Knee cap (patella) Tibia and fibula Ankle bones (tarsals) Foot (metatarsals) Toes (phalanges)
Thigh Injuries Femur- Largest bone in the body
Immobilize by using a soft splint Wrap splint with 2 or 3 cravats Elevate to reduce swelling
Always support injured part in position you find it Check for warmth and color after splinting Never cover fingers and toes Splint joints above and below injured area