LANDSCAPE All the land was one big mass It was called Pangaea
CLIMATE The climate was very hot and dry. In this period the seas were very hot.
MAMMALS AND OTHER ANIMALS The first mammals evolved during the Triassic period. Some reptiles, frogs, turtles and crocodiles existed earlier than Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs didn’t appear until late in the Triassic period.
PLANTS AND VEGETATION In the Triassic period there were lots of plants and vegetation. There were seed ferns leptocycas glossopteris and ever greens.
WHAT WERE THE DINOSAURS LIKE IN GENERAl? One of the first true dinosaurs was a Coelophysis Another dinosaur was a Plateosaurus Finally there was a Nothosauus
COELOPHYSIS They had scaly orange,black and brown skin. They also had a long neck. They were carnivores.
PLATESAURUS They had green and black stripy skin They were vegeterians
NOTHOSAURUS They had sharp teeth and scaly skin. They were carnivores.
END OF THE PERIOD During the final 18 million years of the Triassic period there was a few parts of extinction. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT DINOSAURS IN THIS PERIODCLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT DINOSAURS IN THIS PERIOD