This becomes very tight during an attack
The Chest or Lungs
When the lungs tighten up air flow is restricted making this hard to do
This symptom of an Asthma attack is also a common sign of a respiratory infection
During an attack these two things usually easy for an infant to do are now much harder
Crying & Eating
This breath sound is often described as whistling
This trigger usually occurs in the Fall and Winter and can be dangerous for a young Asthmatic
This type of weather makes it harder to breathe
Strong emotions can cause this which can lead to an Asthma attack
Just being around these 2 animals can cause an Asthma attack
Cats & Dogs
These microscopic bugs are often a trigger for Asthma
Dust Mites
Carpets in the classroom need to be vacuumed at least…
Twice a Week
List two ways to rid stuff animals of dust mites
Washing – Drying or Freezing for 48 hours
Keeping this on instead of opening widows is best for Asthmatics
Air Conditioning
All pillows, sheets and blankets need to be washed this often
Once a week
This is something you should never do around children or Asthmatics