CDG Volunteers one year on Combining the charitable heart with a commercial brain Richard Clifton – Director of Business Development Rebecca Green – National Volunteering Manager
An example of the added value to Work Programme The voluntary and community sector delivering more for the employment support sector Progress one year on CDG Volunteers
Third sector role in W2W
Be Commercial
Be Charitable
Launched as part of our charitable and public benefit in 2011 Part of a national vision (Expert Volunteer Initiative) – launched in 2010 Testing and demonstrating the added value and strength volunteering can bring to the Welfare to Work Sector CDG Volunteers
CDG Volunteers to provide additional support for customers of Work Programme. Complement the work of paid delivery staff Across all our centres and in London East whether in CDG centre or with delivery partner The role within Work Programme
Part of the jobseeker journey
Who they are Volunteers include people: with experience in the field participants want to work in, who have been through the problems participants currently face, those with coaching and mentoring skills who want to volunteer their skills such as retired teachers and HR, or volunteering as part of company volunteer schemes
Flexible role, according to skills and interests of volunteer. The role could include: –specialist information and coaching sessions (either one to one or in groups) about particular jobs and industries –focused additional help for jobseekers with low IT levels –providing extra support for those with low level numeracy and literacy –extra industry specific one-to-one help with CVs, application forms or cover letters, and –conducting mock interviews. What they do
The Discovery Channel in Haringey
Team of eight (two dedicated to each CPA) The team manages recruitment, induction, training and ongoing support for volunteers. Interviews and two references Enhanced CRB check (CDG pays the administration fee) Must commit to two to ten hours per month Assigned to centre and managed by centre champion Infrastructure
Over 500 enquiries. 300 through the introductory programme. 145 people actively volunteering in CDG centres. Over 3,000 engagements. Winner of DWP Supplier Excellence Award – best third sector contribution CDG Volunteers to date
Have nearer 500 volunteers actively supporting us. Ensure support meets the needs of customers. Demonstrate the social impact of CDG Volunteers. Expand the corporate volunteering scheme. Expand the role of the Expert Volunteer Initiative. CDG Volunteers – the next 12 months
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