How to Meet Your AR Goals
5 Steps to Meeting Your AR Goals 1. Know Your Goals 2. Understand Your Goals 3. Choose books on your level 4. Read, Read, Read (a Little Each Day) 5. Monitor Yourself
1. Know Your Goals Meet with your teacher to set your goals. Sign your goal sheet for this nine weeks. Write down your goals in your agenda to help you remember them. Check your goals in Home Connect. You can’t meet your goals if you don’t know what they are.
2. Understand Your Goals It’s important to know your goals, but you also have to understand what your goals are so that you will be able to meet them. You have 3 AR Goals each 9 Weeks: Quiz Average Goal Points Goal Book Level Goal
Quiz Average Goal The Quiz Average Goal is the AVERAGE grade you need to make on AR quizzes. Think of it like your AR Report Card grade. Your quiz goal average is usually 85%
Points Goal The Points Goal is probably the easiest goal to achieve. You just have to earn a certain number of points. Although points are easy to earn, it is also important to read and quiz on books that are within your book level range so that you can meet your Book Level Goal, too.
Book Level Goal The Book Level Goal is probably the most difficult goal to achieve. You must read books within your book level to reach this goal. Your Book Level Goal is based on your STAR Reading test. It is the average of your low and high book level. For example, if your reading level is , then your book level average will be 3.6.
Book Level Goal To reach your Book Level Goal, you need to read books more on the high end of your book level. If you read too many books on the low end, your average book level will be low Reading Level, Example Goal = 3.6
3. Choose Books on Your Level
Locating Books Look for book level and points under the book title.
F means upper Fiction. BUR is the first 3 letters of the author’s last name. E means Easy Fiction. POL is the first 3 letters of the author’s last name. (WF) means Wildcat Favorites.
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Look for AR labels on the spine of each book to locate a book on your reading level.
Level and points can also be found on labels inside of each book.
4. Read, Read, Read (a little each day) You can’t meet your goals if you aren’t reading. Make time each day to read so that you can reach your goals. Just 20 minutes a day of reading can help you meet your goals.
5. Monitor Yourself Check your AR progress at least once a week to see how you’re doing. If you’re not on track, make some changes.
5 Steps to Meeting Your AR Goals 1. Know Your Goals 2. Understand Your Goals 3. Choose books on your level 4. Read, Read, Read (a Little Each Day) 5. Monitor Yourself
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