Oral and Written Communication Session 4 Steve Seepersaud
For discussion: What stayed with you from the last session?
Persuasion Defined as “the art of getting others to give fair and favorable consideration to your point of view.”
More than just hearing us out This kind of speech isn’t just informational. There should be a clear slant. Be clear about where you’re going. Want listener to make choice, take action.
Substance Content is king – need solid information. Consult credible sources. More research allows you to sift good from bad pieces of information.
Form/Credibility Can you be taken seriously? More research helps you come across more informed, authoritative. Factual/logical errors can sink you.
Consider the other side: Don’t just research the viewpoint you’re advocating. What would the opposite side say? Reference opposing viewpoint, then attack.
Basic format Introduction – creative – get attention – include thesis statement. Body – detail on why you feel a certain way. Conclusion – recap – call to action.
For discussion: What do you find to be the most difficult part of public speaking? Why?