Results of War By Kaylan Stock
Roman Warfare and it’s Army Most advanced of it’s time Fighting techniques equivalent to ferocious training regime All recruits fit and disciplined Newer recruits placed in front line to build confidence, stop them from deserting, most likely to be killed 1 st -sacrifice Weapons were knives, spears, swords, and shields Harsh punishments were enforced (up to murder) to keep soldiers on their feet and at their best.
Modern War and the United States Much more advanced technologically of coarse Punishment in less severe forms and not as easily carried out Men aren’t sacrificed for others intentionally. Men go through boot camp and are generally in shape but not as disciplined Uniforms camo and heavy and full coverage
Similarities of the Two While the two time periods were worlds apart the two types of war had some similarities Both have strict rules and regulations Punishment for disobedience Advanced fighting techniques for their time Togetherness and working as a whole not separate Grouped and divided in ways such as squads, platoons or legionnaires
Differences Roman warfare and soldiers more strict and disciplined Modern war more controversial and complicated Men and women fight today where just men back in older times Uniforms and weaponry is vastly different More “rules of war” today then back then such as we don’t fire on the opposing side until they fire first.
Negative Consequences of Wars Death Suffering, hunger, poverty, losing side loss of freedom, even choice Soldiers hurt, minds are disturbed, fear is implanted in warring areas and people in and around war Destruction of cities, lives, and loss of culture Debt and money crisis
Benefits of the Wars Victorious side gains rule or power or gets positive results Powers stay balanced or attempt to stay balanced around the world People feel patriotic for their country and soldiers learn to work together and for their country Today-soldiers get benefits such as paid college and medical Honor
Is War Just? In my opinion, yes. I feel that war is a necessary evil and I hate it. I definitely don’t like to see war and destruction but I feel without it there would be no balance in our world. One leader could end up with all the world power or chaos could erupt because no one is willing to fight for what they believe in. War is sad, but is just.
Ways to Avert War Ways to avert war include: Deals made between countries- a kind of “meet me halfway” sort of thing Resort to total conformity of religion, culture and beliefs. Also separating everyone by looks. The more powerful side in the war taking stand and refusing to fight.
Works Cited "The Roman Army and Warfare." History Learning Site., Web. 19 Apr "The Spanish-American War: The Forgotten Beginning of Waging Modern War." The Official Homepage of the United States Army. Web. 19 Apr "Comparisons between the Roman Empire and the United States - by Peabody Snickersbee - Helium." Helium - Where Knowledge Rules. Web. 19 Apr Wittner, Lawrence S. History News Network | Because the Past Is the Present, and the Future Too. Web. 19 Apr