Michael Schroeder BioTechnological Center TU Dresden Biotec Semantic Search: Algorithms and Applications
By Michael Schroeder, Biotec, Syllabus The module deals with practical applications of logic and reasoning. The course "semantic search" deals with a novel search paradigm that uses background knowledge in the form of ontologies. The course introduces the necessary cocnepts from information retrieval and text-mining to realize ontology learning and alignments and ontology- based search.
By Michael Schroeder, Biotec, Practicals nTwo types: nPen and paper exercises nProgramming tasks
By Michael Schroeder, Biotec, Assessment nWritten exam counting 80% of final mark nPracticals: Labs and Programming task counting 20% nDo labs nBuild a semantic search engine (group work) nStrategy for preparation nFollow slides nDo all labs and homework
By Michael Schroeder, Biotec, Getting in touch Web site: dresden.de Click Schroeder->Group->Teaching Includes web site for ILS module Bioinformatics group: Structural protein interactions and functional annotation with ontologies, textmining, rules Example: Ontology-based literature search at ww.gopubmed.org
By Michael Schroeder, Biotec, Part I: Books and Papers nNatual language processing nManning and Schütze. Foundations of statsitical natural language processing nGene mention normalization and interaction extraction with context models and sentence motifs. Hakenberg et al., Genome Biology, 2008 nInformation retrieval nManning, Raghavan, Schütze. Introduction to information retrieval. Book is online at book.html nOntology learning and alignment: nP Cimiano. Ontology learning and population from text. Springer nBio ontologies: nThe Gene Ontology (GO) project in Gene Ontology Consortium. Nucleic Acids Res Jan 1;34(Database issue):D322-6