Public health, innovation and intellectual property 1 |1 | 6 th TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURING PLAN FOR AFRICA Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 2015 Jicui Dong & Alastair West 6 th TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURING PLAN FOR AFRICA Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 2015 Jicui Dong & Alastair West
Public health, innovation and intellectual property 2 |2 | Background 2007 –PMPA endorsed by Heads of States –PMPA Technical Committee established 2012 –The 5 th PMPA Technical Committee took place –PMPA-BP endorsed by Heads of State at AU Summit
Public health, innovation and intellectual property 3 |3 | Agenda OPENING H.E., Commissioner of Trade and Industry of AUC KEYNOTE ADDRESSES H.E., Commissioner of Social Affairs of AUC Representatives from WHO, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNIDO, UNCTAD, FAPMA, NEPAD PLENARY SESSION PMPA +10 Status Report PARALLEL SESSIONS Technical Committee ; Partnership Platform CLOSING Director of Department of Social Affairs of AUC
Public health, innovation and intellectual property 4 |4 | Outcome: Plenary Session PMPA +10 Status Report Where are we? Review and finalize within two weeks Present to STC-HPDC of Ministers Hire 3 professionals for PMPA coordination –Mobilize required fund from partners
Public health, innovation and intellectual property 5 |5 | Outcome: Parallel Session (Technical Committee) ToR of TC Membership expansion to include representatives from other sectors (Trade and Industry, Legal Affairs, Human Resources, Science and Technology, and Economic Affairs) Appointment of permanent representatives from Members States of TC to participate in meetings Development of online dynamic platform for information exchange –Should be developed by Joint Secretariat More frequent TC meetings (annually)
Public health, innovation and intellectual property 6 |6 | Outcome: Parallel Session (Technical Committee) Adoption of the Roadmap for Implementation of the Recommendations of the first Specialized Technical Committee Meeting on Health, Population and Drug Control (STCHPDC-1) Presented and adopted with minor amendments
Public health, innovation and intellectual property 7 |7 | Outcome: Parallel Session (Technical Committee) Consideration of the ToR and Workplan of the AU PMPA Joint Secretariat Workplan harmonization between Joint Secretariat and partners Joint Secretariat to provide quarterly updates to TC on work completion PMPA coordinator proposed by the partners should work closely with the joint secretariat Joint Secretariat and partners to establish a forum for regular meetings
Public health, innovation and intellectual property 8 |8 | Outcome: Parallel Session (Partnership Platform) The ToR of the PMPA Partnership Platform (PMPA-PP) Partnership Platform established ToR revised
Public health, innovation and intellectual property 9 |9 | Overall Way Forward Online technical working group to finalize harmonization of Joint Secretariat workplan ToRs –To be shared with all participants in 2 weeks
Public health, innovation and intellectual property 10 | Thank You