SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION SAVERIO D’AURIA. SUMMARY Expertise from various experiments and from people with different background We tried to factorize what.


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Presentation transcript:


SUMMARY Expertise from various experiments and from people with different background We tried to factorize what is not factorisable. Time and space resolution are closely related Radiation resistance depends on technology details Stimulate discussion and look from different points of view Some aspects are missing: more study groups to come, we focused on some of the main issues. Preparation for the FCC-week in Washington DC 2 S. D'Auria - CERN FCC-hh detector workshop

SUMMARY Very difficult to make forecasts to 15 yeas from today. Identify what is physically not impossible Technology markets are driven by other factors More innovative (but feasible) ideas are more likely to drive the market. R&D for FCC-hh is a natural continuation of R&D for HL- LHC. Synergy rather than competition for resources. Some aspects can be peculiar to 5 ns bunch crossing. 3 S. D'Auria - CERN FCC-hh detector workshop

CONCLUSIONS Detectors for inner tracking are considered to be feasible for 20 ab -1, 5 ns, = 190 pile up collisions. Sub-ns time resolution, sub-micron space resolution and radiation tolerance to ~2 – 20 x appear as natural evolution of present technologies Minimal FCC-hh target specifications are almost achieved in dedicated detectors. However, not one single technology reaches all design specs at the same time. Trade-offs to be considered, at a certain (later) stage. The main issue is coverage at small radius  Radiation hardness and granularity are a limit here. R&D as improvement over present technologies. 4 S. D'Auria - CERN FCC-hh detector workshop

CONCLUSIONS Several sensor technologies are promising. Microstrips will be replaced by pixels everywhere ? Big technology step: integrated electronics: already in use, ubiquitous in the future ? Cooling is feasible, several evaporative technologies, has to scale up in size even if lower power per module is achieved to < 1W/cm 2. Application for nano-materials development Alignment: state of the art at micro-meter level. Further R&D may be required to go to sub-  m. Important to develop design detail with alignment sw experts and mech. engineers. 5 S. D'Auria - CERN FCC-hh detector workshop

DISCUSSION Evolution of existing technology vs. radically different solution: for long term project, but generally considered risky. All non-silicon detector developments are still a niche after LHC R&D: Diamond, GaAs, SiC, GaN, …. 6 S. D'Auria - CERN FCC-hh detector workshop

DISCUSSION The ideal solid state detector: single-crystal Diamond (for highest carrier speed) with integrated electronics 10  m x 10  m cell, A4 paper format. Self-cooling (high heat transmission) Radiation resistant to MeV n/cm 2 With wireless/copperless readout With wireless/copperless power At 1 $/cm 2 7 S. D'Auria - CERN FCC-hh detector workshop

DISCUSSION The ideal solid state detector. Can we dream of such an evolution ? 8 S. D'Auria - CERN FCC-hh detector workshop

DISCUSSION Where do we go from here RD50 natural continuation as rad-hardness Working groups based on - Technology - Detector location (central, forward, very forward…) ? - “Exotic” solutions ? Common issues: cooling, mechanical support, data read- out, power distribution. 9 S. D'Auria - CERN FCC-hh detector workshop

SUGGESTION - Some semiconductors (non silicon) used to be called the “material of the future”.. - We obviously need to change name to FCC …asap 10 S. D'Auria - CERN FCC-hh detector workshop