1 Fourth Annual CAPS Conference San Francisco, California April
2 History The Endowment was created in 1996 as a result of Blue Cross of California’s conversion from a not-for- profit to a for-profit corporation. With approximately $3 billion in assets, we are the largest health care foundation in California and have awarded more than 4,000 grants comprising over $1 billion throughout the state. *as of Jan. 2003
3 Our Mission “ The mission of The California Endowment is to expand access to affordable, quality health care for underserved individuals and communities, and to promote fundamental improvements in the health status of all Californians.”
4 Five Regional Offices Fresno/ Central State Sacramento/ North State San Francisco/ Greater Bay Area San Diego-Orange County/Border Greater Los Angeles Headquarters: Woodland Hills
5 TCE Funding Strategic Access Cultural Competency Workforce Diversity Disparities in Health Responsive CommunitiesFirst (CF) Local Opportunities Fund (LOF)
6 CommunitiesFirst(CF)
7 Required Components of Proposal Health Underserved Populations Target Population Involvement Cultural Competency
8 CF Objectives Access- Improve quality and access to comprehensive and coordinated health programs by supporting approaches that bring the needs of underserved communities with existing public and private resources. Health and Well-Being- Develop and/or replicate programs that promote healthy behaviors, manage and prevent chronic conditions and unintentional injuries, reduce the impact of communicable disease, address behavioral risk factors, and protect against environmental threats. Multicultural Health- Promote culturally specific approaches that reduce cultural and ethnic disparities in health.
9 CF General Information Projects can be Multi-Year (generally up to three years) Rolling applications accepted (no deadlines) The Endowment does not generally fund 100% of projects
10 What Types of Programs Does CF Support? New or Significantly Enhanced Health Programs Capacity Building Programs for health related projects or health focused agencies
11 Capacity Building Programs include… Planning Training Technical Assistance Leadership Development
12 Capacity Building Programs include…. (cont’d) Assessment Evaluation Capital and/or Equipment
13 Purpose of Capacity Building Programs Organizational Change- to improve efficiencies and effectiveness of organization Systems Change-to increase the ability of individual leaders, multiple organizations, networks and communities to engage in collective action
14 Summary Population Specific and Community Driven New and Enhanced Culturally Appropriate Health Programs Capacity Building for Organization and Systems Change
15 Contact Information Greater Los Angeles Regional Office 1055 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1455 Los Angeles, California Alicia Dixon, Program Officer
16 Thank you for being a partner for healthier communities.