Common Writing Assignment Collaborative Scoring Science Leadership Retreat May 2, 2009
Goals Be familiar with the CWA scoring rubric and its use of claims, evidence, and reasoning Use rubric to score student work samples individually and collectively Provide high quality feedback to improve student writing in science
Agenda Examine CWA rubric with an eye for claims, evidence, and reasoning Score and discuss student work samples (Grade 5) Provide and discuss high quality feedback to improve student writing in science
CWA Rubric & Scoring (at your table) Step 1: Examine rubric and discuss its use of claims, evidence, and reasoning Step 2: Read student sample 1 and score individually Step 3: Discuss individual scoring and come to consensus at your table Step 4: Post group’s scores on large rubric Step 5: Discuss results as a whole group
CWA Rubric & Scoring (at your table) Step 1: Read student samples 2 and 3 Step 2: Score individually and collectively Step 3: Discuss as a whole group
Providing High Quality Feedback (at your table) Step 1: Provide feedback to student individually Step 2: Discuss this feedback with your group
Types of Feedback Step 3: Discuss as whole group: What type of feedback is effective in promoting student writing in science Step 4: Categorize the type of feedback that were given in Steps 1 and 2 Step 5: Revise feedback
Pulling It All Together
Common Writing Assignment Curriculum Examination How do we effectively teach claims, evidence, and reasoning in the context of our curricula?
K-8 Participants Task: Identify specific investigations where you can more effectively articulate/teach claims, evidence, and/or reasoning.
9-12 Participants Task 1: Identify specific investigations where you can more effectively articulate/ teach claims, evidence, reasoning, and/or rebuttal. Task 2: Draft preliminary CWAs using the template provided