E NGINEERING Using British Standards
B RITISH S TANDARDS The British standard is an agreed way of doing something. Benefits Everyone understand Consistency in all drawings Same symbols
L INE T YPES Construction Outline Hidden Centre Folding Cutting Plane
L INE T YPES Construction Outline Hidden Centre Folding Cutting Plane
E XAMPLE OF USING LINE TYPES What do you imagine the of version of this Elevation to look like? Elevation
E XAMPLE OF USING LINE TYPES What do you imagine the of version of this Elevation to look like? Elevation End Elevation
E XAMPLE OF USING LINE TYPES What if a centre line is added?
E XAMPLE OF USING LINE TYPES What if a centre line is added?
D IMENSIONING -C HAIN Leader Lines must not touch. Arrow heads must be filled. Numbers must be on top of the line. Smaller sizes must fit underneath the overall size
D IMENSIONING – P ARALLEL Leader Lines must not touch. Arrow heads must be filled. Numbers must be on top of the line. Smaller sizes must fit underneath the overall size
+ D IMENSIONING - C IRCLES Centre of the circle must be marked. The arrowheads must be filled. The dimension line must run straight through the centre of the circle. The symbol Ø must be before the size. The size must be above the line. Ø60 Ø40 Diameter’s can only be given when it is a full circle.
D IMENSIONING – A RC ’ S /C URVES Centre of the circle must be marked. The arrowhead must be filled. The dimension line must run straight through the centre of the circle. The symbol R must be before the size. The size must be above the line. A Radius can only be given when it is an arc/ curve not a circle R15
D IMENSIONING – A NGLES Leader line must not touch. The arrowhead must be filled/ The size must be inside the line. The size must have the ° symbol after it. 45°
D IMENSIONING 1. Sketch the drawing below. 2. Dimension the drawing using British Standards.