Podcasting Nov. 5, 2009 Ariel Elliott
What is Podcasting? A podcast is a series of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released episodically and downloaded through web syndication. Kind of like the radio but you listen at your own leisure.
Podcasting > Radio? There are no limits to who can publish a podcast. Download and listen on your own time. You choose what content you listen to. Fast forward through parts you don’t want to hear. No commercials. Time delay between recording/upload and download. Scheduled times for certain shows, programs, music etc. CRTC/FCC regulations. Commercials (heavy commercials depending on station.) Little choice on content, music, programs etc. More family friendly (little/no swearing/inappropriate content) Immediate coverage of current events
Podcasting in Canada CBC Radio offers podcasts on their website CTV uses podcasts to suppliment shows with extra features/bonus material Alan Cross’ popular music history show is available on podcast. Numerous podcasts created by regular internet users (My cousin who works at Giant FM has his own podcast)
Why is it so accessible? With hundreds of free podcast uploading sites, getting a podcast live is easy. (Podbean, mypodcast, podcastalley, blogtalkradio, etc) iTunes. Thousands of podcasts available for download using the iTunes store. iTunes allows podcasts to be added using an RSS feed.
Podcasting and education Brock has an iTunes U podcast, available to students, with limited public content for all users. iTunes U also has thousands of other podcasts from universities available for download. Using iTunes/downloading programs are almost second nature to students.
What else can Podcasting do? With as much accessibility and ease of use, the opportunities are seemingly endless. Will radio eventually be obsolete? Are vidcasts (vodcasts?) the future to replace television? How far can podcasts reach? Is cultural relevance important?