A novel long-travel piezoelectric-driven linear nanopositioning stage Advisor : Chih-Liang Chu Advisee ﹕ Chung-Lin Huang Department of Mechanical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Date ﹕ 2015/10/13 Precision Engineering 30 (2006) 85–95 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Taiwan University of Technology, No. 1 Nan-Tai Street, Yang-Kang City, Tainan 710, Taiwan, ROC
2 Design principle The present compound amplification configuration eliminates the lateral offset error associated with the initial amplification operation and permits a two-stage amplification process in which the displacement output of point B demonstrates a precise linear behavior.
3 the hinge width is significantly smaller than its radius The flexible amplification structure is attached to a frame by means of three screws with integrated springs. Screws not only serve an assembly function, but also provide the device with a preload and adjustment capability.
4 R=8mm A close contact between the slider and the precision cylinders is achieved by using a V-groove machining method to fabricate grooves in the underside of the slider In order to eliminate friction effects between the V- grooves of the slider and the cylindrical guide rails, the present study lines the V-grooves with a Teflon wear-resistant film of low friction coefficient.
5 Analysis and simulation
6 140 mm (length) × 90 mm (width) × 30 mm (height) The piezoelectric actuator measures 5 mm × 5 mm × 18 mm, has a maximum displacement of 20µm and generates a force of 1800 N at 150 V.
7 Thanks for your attention!