9/3/13 Tue. 2-5d Boot-Up 9.3.13 / 6 min. 1) Solve for x. 2)What is the measure of each angle shown? m  LPQ = _____________ m  QPM = _____________ m.


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Presentation transcript:

9/3/13 Tue

2-5d Boot-Up / 6 min. 1) Solve for x. 2)What is the measure of each angle shown? m  LPQ = _____________ m  QPM = _____________ m  NPM = _____________ m  LPN = _____________ H/O new HW logs

RUBRIC  Full Credit (100%)  Partial Credit (80%) No Credit (60%) Obvious effort is put in: All problems are completed. All steps are shown. Work is neat, & understandable to teacher. Proper materials are used. If problem is not understood, action taken to find answers is explained / questions are written. Partial effort is put in: Most problems are completed. Most steps are shown. Work is not necessarily neat, but is understandable to teacher. Proper materials are not used. If problem is not understood, action taken to find answers is not explained / questions are not written. Little effort is put in: Very few problems are completed. Very few steps are shown. Work is neither neat nor understandable to teacher. Proper materials are not used. If problem is not understood, action taken to find answers is not explained / questions are not written. To receive Homework credit, you must do each of the following: 1) Write the assignment date and problem #s on your HW log. See Example below. 2) Write your name & Unique Student # in the space provided on your HW log. 3) Have an MLA-format heading on your HW sheet, and have the accurate problem #s written next to the problems. 4) Submit your HW on the day it is due. Late HWs will only be accepted in the event of absence. The amount of time you have to make-up HW will be commensurate with the # of days absent. Example: If you were absent for 1 day (say, Monday, and that eve ’ s HW is due Tuesday), then you will have 1 day to make up the HW assignment (you may turn the work in on Wed that was due on Tues). 5) Put your HW & HW log out on your desk immediately upon entering the classroom, so that the teacher can see it immediately when he comes around to check while you ’ re working on the Boot-up assignment. HWs will NOT be checked once instructional time begins. H/O Tests



What is a Regular Polygon? It is a polygon in which: 1) All sides are congruent (  ) to each other; and 2) All angles (  ) are congruent (  ) to each other.

Regular Polygon: A polygon in which all sides & angles are congruent! Regular Hexagon Example: Irregular Hexagon This is highly irregular…

Which of the shapes on your Resource Page are Regular Polygons? What do you notice about the Regular Polygons & the # of lines of symmetry each has? A Regular polygon has the same # of lines of symmetry as it has sides! What else does a regular polygon have that is equal to its # of sides? Angles!

The book said this is a Regular Polygon with 10 sides. Therefore, how many lines of symmetry must it have? If it is a Regular polygon, then it must have the same # of lines of symmetry as it does sides! In this case, 10! 1-102

1) You will work in pairs on problem #s:     Learning Log.  Read M&M p103 2)TTW will give you “Red Light”or “Green Light” as you complete each problem. Today’s Agenda Copy This



Reciprocal Teaching: Pretend that your partner was absent last Friday. Using a Huddle-level voice, teach your partner everything you learned in lesson that day. After 30 seconds, switch roles.

Problem 2 ‑ 13 is a quick warm-up, which can be done individually or in teams to allow you to assess whether or not students can recognize the relationships they learned of in Lesson ‑ 13 Then move into problem 2 ‑ 14. If you have access to a computer with a projector, then show the PowerPoint presentation after students have read the problem statement and part (a).2 ‑ 14





9/4/13 Tue

Boot-Up / 6 min. 1) Name all the angles that correspond to  a. 2) If m  a = 70 , what are the measures of each angle shown? If we get rid of the outer border, do we still have corresponding angles? ab dc ef hg ij lk mn po qr ts uv xw

Think-Pair-Share: 1) In the diagram shown at right,  a &  53  are corresponding angles. Are they congruent? 2) Explain why or why not.

When lines are parallel, corresponding angles are . Conversely, when lines are not parallel, corresponding angles are not .

Today’s To-Do List  2-24  2-25  2-26  2-27  2-28  2-30






9/6/13 Fri

Boot-Up / 6 min. 1)What types of  s are shown in each diagram below? 2)What are the relationships between the  s in each diagram? Vertical  sAlternate Interior  s   Same Side Interior  s Supplementary


1) What do we know about these  s? 2) What do we know about the red  s? 3) What do we know about the green  s? Alternate Interior  s   Supplementary = 180 


 xx xx xx 90  yy yy zz zz

2-40 If you need help remembering the relationships between  s, look at the Math Notes on the next page.

Lesson 2.1.5

Lesson To-Do List  2-46  2-49  2-47  2-53  2-48

2-46 Same Side Interior  s Supplementary Rianna says something’s wrong with this picture. Do you agree? What is the sum of  s x & y ?


2-48 Based on the degree measurements shown, must lines FG & HI be parallel? If so, complete this sentence: Theorem: If ______________ angles are supplementary, then the lines intersected by a ___________ are ________.

2-48 Theorem: If same-side interior angles are supplementary, then the lines intersected by a transversal are parallel.

2-49 Theorem: If corresponding  s are congruent, then _____________. Theorem: If alternate interior  s are congruent, then _____________.

Theorem: If corresponding  s are congruent, then the lines intersected by the transversal are parallel. Theorem: If alternate interior  s are congruent, then the lines intersected by the transversal are parallel. 2-49

When parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, then: 1) Corresponding  s are . 2) Alternate interior  s are . 3) Same-side interior  s are supplementary.


Today’sObjective: Mathematical Product: SWBAT:* Learn what qualities make shapes alike & what makes them different. Mathematical Practice / CCSS Standard: SWBAT: 1) Make sense of problems, 2) Persevere; 3) Attend to precision as they describe common shapes & their characteristics. * SWBAT = S tudent W ill B e A ble T o 2 Lessons Today Participation Quiz Today Teamwork important

Resource Manager: Make sure to get all of the supplies & call the teacher over, if needed. Take shape inventory at beginning & end. Make sure all shapes are returned to bucket. Facilitator: Make sure that everyone can participate & that no one dominates the process. Recorder/Reporter: Make sure that everyone can reach & see the Venn diagram & the shapes. Record shape placements / present findings at end of lesson. Task Manager: Make sure each team member justifies statements & decisions.

UN # __________Name __________ 8/29/13 Test # 1 11)

8/30/13 Thu

y x I IV III II AB DC Translate (Slide) rectangle ABCD so that point A is at the origin. Tell me -- do I really look like a “Leonard” to you? AB DC

Math Notes