Digital Footprints Cyberbullying Passwords The Digital Community Staying Safe Online
Question What is a digital footprint?
Answer 1 – 10 A digital footprint is the phrase used to describe the trail, traces or “footprints” that people leave online every time they visit the internet.
Question How is a digital footprint created?
Answer 1 – 20 A digital footprint is created every time someone posts, comments, or anything to that similarity. Anything you do online can end up on your digital footprint.
Question What risks are there if you are not in control of your digital footprint?
Answer 1 – 30 You could get hacked and someone could pose as you.
Question Your Digital Footprint is available for anyone to see. True or False?
Answer 1 – 40 True. Once, it’s on the internet, it stays on the internet.
Question Why is preventing a bad digital footprint so important?
Answer 1 – 50 It is important to prevent a bad digital footprint because having a bad digital footprint may lower your credibility for many things.
Question What is cyberbullying?
Answer 2 – 10 Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.
Question What do you do if you are being cyberbullied?
Answer 2 – 20 If you are getting cyberbullied, you should report the person to a trusted adult. Also, you should report/block the said bully on the website to get the bully blocked from it. If it is possible, you can turn your account(s) on a “private” setting so that only certain people can view your account(s).
Question What do you do if you see someone being cyberbullied?
Answer 2 – 30 You should start by telling a trusted adult about the cyberbullying, and reporting the bully online.
Question A cyberbully does not bully you on purpose? True or False.
Answer 2 – 40 False. Bullying is repetitive and intentional.
Question How do you help prevent cyberbullying?
Answer 2 – 50 You can prevent cyberbullying by staying on safe websites and avoid posting or commenting anything that can be offensive and rude.
Question What is a password?
Answer 3 – 10 A password is a secret word or phrase that can be used to gain admission to something; a string of characters that allow access to a computer, interface, or system.
Question Should you share your password with anyone?
Answer 3 – 20 No, even if it’s a friend, because no matter what, your password isn’t safe with anyone but yourself.
Question How secure should your password be?
Answer 3 – 30 It should be at least 6 characters long, and contain letters, numbers, and symbols. Some websites request certain requirements for your password, but you should never just go with the minimum requirement.
Question Why should your password be secure?
Answer 3 – 40 Your password should be secure to prevent hackers from hacking into an account or your computer. Also, others can guess it easily if your password is simple.
Question What are some ways that you could create a secure password?
Answer 3 – 50 1.Make a sentence and use the first letter of each word. 2.Use the Bridge Shuffle method, where you have a word and number. Ex. Kitty and Start with the letters and reverse the number, placing them alternately. Ex. K3i2t8t0y.
Question What is the digital community?
Answer 4 – 10 The digital community, in simple terms, is the online community.
Question How can you be a good digital citizen?
Answer 4 – 20 1.Act as if you were in the real world. 2.Be responsible and respectful. 3.Be kind and nice. 4.Think before you post 5.Answers may vary.
Question What are the similarities and differences between the real world and the digital world?
Answer 4 – 30 The real and digital worlds are basically the same except the digital world is online. However, if you are in the real world, it’s harder to avoid situations, but in the digital world, it’s easier to bully or get bullied.
Question What are the consequences to being a bad digital citizen?
Answer 4 – 40 You could have a lower credibility for jobs, and therefore be thought of as unreliable. In addition to that, you could get temporarily or permanently block from certain websites.
Question What should you do in the event of coming across a bad digital citizen?
Answer 4 – 50 Do the same thing in the event of meeting a cyber bully – Block and report them on the website if possible, and/or tell a trusted adult.
Question How can you protect yourself online?
Answer 5 – 10 You can protect yourself online by turning your spam filter on in your because this helps filter away the s that try to gain personal information from you. Also, don’t give out your personal information.
Question Why should you stay safe online?
Answer 5 – 20 You should stay safe online to prevent anyone from hacking anything and posing as you.
Question Why should you protect your computer from getting hacked?
Answer 5 – 30 You should protect your computer to keep all of your private information and files safe.
Question What steps can you take to protect your computer?
Answer 5 – 40 Install an antivirus program Don’t open suspicious s Use a pop-up blocker with your browser Use a firewall Use your browser’s privacy settings Clear your Internet cache and browsing history
Question What steps can you take to prevent any of your accounts from getting hacked?
Answer 5 – 50 Use a secure password Turn your account(s) on the privacy setting Don’t give out your password to anyone