His model of the atom was a solid ball. 100
Who was Dalton? 100
In Thomson’s model of the atom, this part would have had a negative charge. 200
What are chocolate chips? (Or what are bits of plum?) 200
The Bohr model has a limited number of these. 300
What are orbits? 300
Rutherford learned that most of the atom is made of this. 400
What is empty space? 400
Rutherford used these instead of golf balls. 500
What are alpha particles? (Or what are helium nuclei?) 500
The atomic number of ununnilium. 100
What is 110? 100
Two atoms that are chemically identical, but one is heavier. 200
What are isotopes? 200
The abundance of vowels in this sentence. 300
What is 38%? 300
Like the atomic mass, but it’s always an integer. 400
What is mass number? 400
The most common isotope of selenium. 500
What is selenium-79? 500
1/12 the mass of a carbon atom. 100
What is an AMU? 100
An element with 50 electrons. 200
What is tin? 200
The total mass of a water molecule. 300
What is AMU? 300
What you get when plutonium gives off an alpha particle. 400
What is uranium? 400
An element with four neutrons. 500
What is lithium? 500
A cathode ray tube shoots a beam of these. 100
What are electrons or beta particles? 100
This Greek letter is another name for electrons. 200
What is beta? 200
This element is an alpha particle. 300
What is helium? 300
When radium decays, it becomes this. 400
What is radon? 400
If a neutron decays, it gives off an electron and turns into this. 500
What is a proton? 500
An element with exactly 100 protons. 100
What is fermium? 100
The number of electrons in a copper atom. 200
What is 29? 200
The number of neutrons in an atom of platinum. 300
What is 117? 300
The total number of heavy particles in an atom of potassium. 400
What is 39? 400
An ion of this element has 18 electrons and a charge of
What is calcium? 500