Bigfoot He can be found anywhere. NICOLE SAIN
Describing my enigma Big foot is a giant ape that walks upright. Bigfoot is rarely been seen and never for more than a few seconds.
Cause or Theory Bigfoot is a massive, hairy, 6 to 9 feet tall, shaggy haired creature.
Who discovered, and how long have they known about it? Europeans discovered Big Foot for the first time in the 19 th century. Bigfoot lived as long as five hundred thousand years ago and even in the Ice Age.
What have scientists found? Scientist have hair samples said to belong to Big Foot.
Are scientists’ viewpoint the same? No, some scientist say he is real, and some say he is fake.
What dilemmas or controversies are involved in this enigma? Some scientists say he is fake because they have never seen him. And some scientists say he is real because they have seen him.
How has the understanding of the enigma changed over time. Most of the scientists that did not believe in him have now discovered him so now they believe in him.
Facts He stands to be 6 to 10 feet tall. His nick name is abominable snowman. He weighs over 500 pounds!!!!!!!! His foot print is 17 inches long. There are many movies about bigfoot today.
My Theory!!!!!!!!!! A gorilla and a bear had kids and made Big Foot.The population grew and more and more came into life.