Home Base Schoolnet Webinar: Key Performance Indicators & Pre-formatted Reports at School & District Level December 18, 2014
Deborah Goodman, NCDPI Digital Teaching & Learning, Region 4 Dan Urbanski, The NCDPI Educator Effectiveness Division Dec. 18 th 2014
Agenda Topic Presenter Welcome! Logging into Home Base and SchoolnetDan Urbanski o Navigate to the KPI Dashboard and explore available information o Explore the Benchmark Dashboard and the three most popular reports available to school and district leaders o Save and Publish preformatted reports Deborah Goodman Passing Notes in Class: Members of LEA leadership share best practices, tips and tricks. All Star Panel Open Q & A Wrap-up Dan Urbanski
Schoolnet Report Basics First ask yourself: What is my goal for this report? Who do I want to know about? What do I want to know about these students? What do I want to compare?
Making a Complete Report Who: Student Set + What: (Report Parameters + Data Constraints) Pre-formatted reports: Choose from a limited selection of student sets, report parameters and data selections, all available in one place Custom reports: Define student sets, report parameters and data constraints separately Analysis spreadsheet: Begin with a student set and define columns of data
The “Who” The “who” is your student set: a group of students who meet pre-defined criteria. Example student sets include students who: –Are enrolled in a particular class –Are currently enrolled at your school –Are enrolled in a special education program –Were enrolled in 4th grade last year –Performed poorly on a specific test
The “What” For pre-formatted reports, the “what” is defined by report parameters and data selections. Report parameters: Formatting (such as a table, graph, or pie chart) and data elements (rows and columns, such as test section or score group) Data constraints: Point in time (such as most recent test), school, and grade level in which the students tested
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The KPI Dashboard & Running Reports
Passing Notes in Class: All Star Panel – Dawn Ramseur, Hoke County Ben Davis, Stanly County
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The NCDPI offers webinars on Schoolnet and OpenClass on a regular basis. –On the first 3 Thursdays of each month, we will discuss either the Classrooms, Assessment Admin or School & District Data module in Schoolnet. –On the 4 th Thursday of each month, we will offer a webinar on OpenClass and/or Roles and Permissions. Archived recordings of all Home Base webinars can be found at: ncpublicschools.org/homebase/training/videos/webinars ncpublicschools.org/homebase/training/videos/webinars 15 Home Base Webinars
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