QSE Managers Working Group Meeting Notes 9 October, 2008 Report to WMS 22 October, 2008 David Detelich - Chairperson.


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Presentation transcript:

QSE Managers Working Group Meeting Notes 9 October, 2008 Report to WMS 22 October, 2008 David Detelich - Chairperson

QSE Managers Working Group Agenda  ERCOT Operations Issues WGRPP Forecast process improvements Non-spin deployments from off line units Discussion of market participant counterparty scheduling.  Metrics for WGR only QSE’s Resource plan update timing requirements of ERCOT Potential revisions to the down-balancing qualification testing for wind-only QSEs Appropriateness of metrics for Wind QSE’s Review of recent SCE scores and impact Metric development – What KPI’s are applicable. Assignments

WGRPP Forecast process improvements  Market requests transition from delivery to more reliable and secure format.  ERCOT plan is to provide the forecast on the TML Report Explorer  Estimate is 3 weeks after resource is allocated plus testing requirements.  Format should stay the same as the current file  ERCOT IT update  Other questions answered

Non-spin deployments from off line units  QSE’s need to update resource plans to show unit on line  Affects SPD and balancing deployments  ERCOT to issue a market notice

Discussion of market participant counterparty scheduling  MP’s continue to have problems with some not swapping positions on Sellers choice  Not an ERCOT issue but this was a good forum to discuss  EEI should contain a document defining Sellers Choice  It defines the time that the Seller should designate the relevant Congestion Zone to Buyer  ERCOT to provide analysis of mismatch data

Metrics for WGR only QSE’s  Resource plan update timing requirements of ERCOT  ERCOT operators manually enter an offset for Wind QSE Schedule Control Error  SPD enters an offset for difference in resource plans and schedules  WGR QSE’s inconsistent updating of resource plans and schedules hinders ERCOT control efforts  Need to synch up resource plan with schedule time line

Day Ahead Timeline WGRPP at 1410 and Run RPRS Post RPRS Results Schedules and Resource Plans due

Adjustment Period RPRS Timeline WGRPP at Run RPRS Post RPRS Results Schedules and Resource Plans due Call for RPRS Note: Need to include WGRPP forecast in the ERCOT Protocol timeline.

BES Scheduling Period Timeline Offset by ERCOT operators SPD Runs for IE 0915 Close of adjustment period for HE10 - Schedules locked Resource Plan should match Call for RPRS

Metrics for WGR only QSE’s cont.  Down-balancing qualification testing for wind-only QSEs – John Dumas to review test procedures  Metric development – What KPI’s are applicable Consistency of submitting resource plans Accuracy of schedules at end of adjustment period  John Dumas to provide accuracy analysis of WGRPP  Comments on PRR777 for WMS sponsor

QMWG – Future Agenda Items  ERCOT Operations Issues  WGR only QSE Scheduling Metric Review ERCOT timeline and accuracy data Metrics development for WGR only QSE’s Draft PRR  Next Meeting: November 7, 2008.