QlikView System Overview Applications, Architecture, Configurations and Modules
QlikView Summary Main Analytics (Smartphone & MBB) –Device usage, throughput, latency, packet loss and active test summary KPI Dashboard –Captures KPIs as defined by Elisa Android Voice –Call success rate, dropped calls and coverage summary Smartphone Cell –Cell focussed analytics, performance, throughput, signal strength, latency Smartphone Feedback –Overview of surveys / questionnaires submitted from users MBB Activity Analytics –Summary of installation figures Smartphone Location Analytics –Map-based visualisation of throughput, latency, loss, coverage, call success
PostgreSQL Region Matching INI QlikView Application Structure Global QlikView INI file Common Modules MBB Smartphone Activity Analytics Main Analytics Smartphone Cell Smartphone Feedback Smartphone Location Analytics Android Voice Loader ExtractorLoader Transform KPI KPI Dashboard All-in-one QVW App & DCF Shared Components Folders File type in use File type not in use for QVW Note: Folder structure illustrated intended as a guide. Modifications can be made provided each QVW level folder structure is retained. Additional XLS, CSV Reference Remote QVD store Remote Reference file store
File Types Loader Extractor –Connects to the reporting database –Extracts data (incrementally) from reporting database –Stores into QVD format –Some transformation / filtering of data takes place Loader Transform –Does not extract data from the reporting database –Transforms QVDs built in the Extractor, typically into a Fact table format All-in-one –Extracts (incrementally), transforms and loads data in the same QVW as the visualisations
File Types (Continued) XLS, CSV Reference Data –Supporting data typically in the form of a CSV or XLS reference datasheet: Elisa Cell Reference data Host color maps Threshold and color configurations for Location Analytics PostgreSQL Region Matching –Supports the Location Analytics by matching latitude and longitude to the regions and municipalities of Finland as defined through shapefiles etc loaded into the PostgreSQL database –Executed as part of the Location Analytics QVW –Refer to the Location Analytics documentation file for a complete description of Location-based components and configurations
Global QlikView Configuration (GCF) File Accessed by all QVWs Common, central point for shared settings: –Module path –Calendar Key –Access Tech Display Names –Custom Colors –Timezone Suffix Refer to the GCF documentation file for a complete description of these elements
Document Configuration (DCF) File QVW level specific settings: –ODBC –Database name –Load window setting –Client group names to include –Location Type –Version Refer to the DCF documentation file for a complete description of these elements
Shared Modules Shared / common modules across all QVWs: –Calendar –Access Technology Reference Data –Country / Network Reference Data –Client grouping logic –QVD Build routine Available to all QVWs, though use varies by QVW Eliminating duplicate code Enabling consistent and rapid rollout of changes to common functions