Community College Forum: Challenges in the Community College International Office By Randy Bush Butler Community College Andover, Kansas
Challenge 1: Creating a successful orientation program for new international students... Problems with the non-mandatory, one day orientation: lack of participation, students don’t take it seriously. Developing a mandatory 8-week orientation course: 2 hours per week, 1 credit hour. Emphasis on strategies for academic success, introduction to student services, overview of F-1 visa regulations. Improvement in academic success, compliance with F-1 regs, and attitude toward orientation.
Challenge 2: Stimulating student involvement in International Student Association... The problem with meetings – no one wants to come. Try serving food, using subtle persuasion, even coercion. Timing and location are key. Selecting leaders – competition is stimulating, cooperation is harder to achieve. Regional representatives may work – South Asia, East Africa, etc.– cultural connections are key. What to do – students know best – food, music and dancing seem to be popular. Keep it simple.
Challenge 3: Organizing the International Office, creating an effective division of labor or just multitasking... Too many community colleges undervalue the international program, creating a lack of leadership and organization. Two strategies for survival: creating Specialists and breaking down various functions or going Generalist and having each person “do it all” Problems in gaining support within entrenched administrative structures: lack of understanding and recognition of international programs.
Other Challenges: What are you facing in your office? How can community college international educators better communicate and support each other? How can Regional Community College Reps better serve your needs? How can we advance community college interests within NAFSA?
Thanks for coming. Randy Bush, Butler Community College, Julie Pitts, Johnson County Community College, Jen Sydow, Scottsdale Community College,