Homeless Court Program Taking the Court to the Streets Presented by Steven R. Binder, Esq. Poverty Law: Academic Activism February 19, 2016 Seattle University School of Law
ORIGINS: Frustration & Despair
SURVEY SAYS… 116 of 500 Homeless Veterans Speak Up
ACCESS Access to Justice Access to Justice Promoting Confidence in the Court Promoting Confidence in the Court A Seat at the Table A Seat at the Table
Illegal Lodging
Drinking in Public
Molesting a Trash Can
Illegal Lodging California Penal Code 647(e) states every person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor: (e) Who lodges in any building, structure, vehicle, or place, whether public or private, without the permission of the owner or person entitled to the possession or in control of it.
FOUNDATIONS Homeless Court Program Voluntary participation Full range of Misdemeanor cases Progressive Plea Bargain Alternative Sentencing No one goes into custody
PURPOSE, PROCESS & PROOF: Building blocks for treatment and public safety
PROCESS Transparency of Process Transparency of Process FEAR of the unknown FEAR of the unknown SHARING information SHARING information
PROCESS & ATTITUDE: Relationship and Trust
Homeless Court Calendar
MONTHLY PROCESS Providers Refer Clients Providers Refer Clients Prosecution Offers Prosecution Offers Defense Counseling Defense Counseling Court Hearing Court Hearing
Providers Deliver: Statement of Services Entry Criteria Advocacy Letter Clients to Court Trust and Confidence COLLABORATION
CUSTOMIZE INTERVENTION: IDENTIFY: Client Needs Client Needs Diagnosis Diagnosis Treatment & Action Plan Treatment & Action Plan
GOAL & ASPIRATION DIVERSION AT: Arrest Arrest Disposition Disposition Custody Custody
PUBLICATION: “The San Diego Service Provider Tool Kit”
Homeless Court Program – And Justice For All
Homeless Court Program – Bringing the Court to the Streets
San Diego Homeless Court Program on NBC Nightly News, March 15, 2016
1000 Participants/3000 Volunteers
RESOURCES: Steve Binder San Diego County Office of the Public Defender Special Advisor to the ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty
RESOURCES: American Bar Association Commission on Homelessness and Poverty American Bar Association Commission on Homelessness and Poverty - - The Commission provides free technical assistance related to Homeless Courts, criminal and civil legal services for homeless and low-income people, and alternatives to the criminalization of homelessness and poverty—with special initiatives related to homeless veterans and homeless youth. - - “Collaborate to Advocate: Lawyers and Communities Working to End Poverty” is a new anti-poverty initiative featuring community roundtables, blueprints for action and an online anti-poverty “quilt” of best practices. For more information, please click here. here - - Contact Information: Amy E. Horton-Newell, Director, Commission on Homelessness & Poverty, 202/ , Veterans Village of San Diego Veterans Village of San Diego VVSD has served all veterans since 1981 and is dedicated to "Leave No One Behind." VVSD is the only program of its kind in the United States and is nationally recognized as the leader in serving homeless military veterans. Each year VVSD provides services to more than 2,000 military veterans.