Identification Badge The Joint Commission (TJC) has a standard which requires an identification system for Hospital Employees, Students, Faculty, Clergy, Medical Staff, Licensed Independent Practitioners, MCH Auxiliary, Hospital Volunteers, TT Employees and Contract Workers. Badges must be worn at all times above the waist with the picture and name visible so they can be readily seen by security personnel, patients, visitors, etc. Properly displaying the employee identification badge promotes safety and security of our hospital.
MCH is committed to maintaining a safe, healthful, and efficient working environment where patients, visitors, and employees are free from the threat of workplace violence.
Workplace violence is any act that: o Threatens the safety of an employee, patient, or visitor o Affects the health, life, or well being of an employee, patient or visitor; and/or o Results in damage to hospital, employee, patient, or visitor property
Prohibited acts include, but are not limit to: o Threats, intimidation, coercing, harassment, or assault o Sexual harassment o Carrying a concealed weapon o Allowing unauthorized access o Using, duplicating, or possessing keys without authorization o Theft; and/or o Vandalism
Any employee who has been threatened, is a victim of a violent act, or witnesses any threats or violent acts, is to report such activity to Human Resources immediately. In an emergency, staff should contact Security or dial Ext All employees are encouraged to take an active role in creating a safe work environment. Any constructive suggestions for improving the safety and security of our hospital should be directed to Human Resources or the Safety Officer.
Medical Center Hospital prohibits smoking or tobacco product use while on any Medical Center Hospital Campus. This includes private offices that are leased and/or owned by Medical Center Hospital. The Tobacco Free Campus Policy will apply to all Hospital Employees, Patients, Physicians, Auxiliary, Visitors, Contract Employees, and Tenants. (Policy MCH-1033)