S. Li 1,2, Y. Liu 1 E. Monnier 2, Z. Zhao 1 Center of Particle Physics and Technology, University of Sicence and Techonolody of China 1 & Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, CNRS/IN2P3 2
Using New Medium+iso+Blayer Electron ID study presented by Jochen Hartert and Elina Berglund: New Electron ID selection introduced recently(not optimized): egammaPID::ElectronMedium_WithTrackMatch (*Note that: el_loose, el_medium, el_tight available for 2011 egamma D3PD) New Electron Isolation correction applied: (etcone20_pt_corrected<4GeV, not in d3pd, need to be re-calculated) nk/IsoCorrection.h nk/IsoCorrection.h egammaPID::TrackBlayer_Electron as Blayer requirement instead of simply NBLHits>0 if any hits are expected Electron/Muon MC10 smearing applied(Job Running, ~100 MC samples!) Using the same random seeding policy for electron and muon: Rndm_seed = EventNumber+index*100 MCP release 16 smearing recommendation: rResolutions rResolutions PileUp reweighting for mc10? Not yet, currently using non-pileup MC. Different reweighting for e and µ, need to be discussed Running on bunch train pile-up samples also, not yet finnished
OffsetEtaJES correction required for both data and MC suggested by Jet experts: ombPerf/JetETMiss/JetUserGuide/tags/JetUserGui de /AtlasJetUserGuide.pdf ombPerf/JetETMiss/JetUserGuide/tags/JetUserGui de /AtlasJetUserGuide.pdf Not optimal especially for bunch train pile-up MC Negative Energy *full scaled* jets need to be cleaned due to a bug. (Mainly in forward region) EtaOriginEM, PhiOriginEM, MOriginEM yield 0 in current MC samples, should refer to the latest jet user’s guide
7 new candidates spotted
chRunNum ber EventNu mber LBMETrel /GeV pT(ll) /GeV Inv.M(ll) /GeV ee eµ eµ eµ eµ eµ eµ
eeeµµµAll ch TMTMTMTM Data WW→ll DiBoson 2.0E-34.1E-37.0E-38.6E Top Wjets Zjets 0. DrellYan (No low mass) 0. WW→l+tau 0.2.0E-43.0E-34.3E JF17 0. Some problematical issues out that needs to be resolved which has led to extremely low eff especially for WW→ll signal samples. Cross-check with Harvard group on-going… s/b ratio roughly suppressed, needs more investigation…
eeeµµµAll ch TMTMTMTM Data WW→ll DiBoson Top Wjets Zjets DrellYan (No low mass) 0. WW→l+tau JF17 0.
Some problematic issues for WW analysis on mc10 have been more or less resolved and corrected DY & di-jet samples not fully processed Working on Bunch Train Pile-Up MC10 samples First impression of dramatic background enriching due to the medium+iso+Blayer for Electron ID mainly from other DiBosons and Top, more intensive study needed to be done as soon as possible Acurate estimation needs to be done using data- driven(Wjets background for example) Event selection cross-check is still on-going as well as optimizing new selection