+ Introduction to Formalism. + Piece One: + Piece Two.


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Presentation transcript:

+ Introduction to Formalism

+ Piece One:

+ Piece Two

+ Piece Three

+ Piece 4

+ Formalism Formalism is a literary theory which argues that how a text is written is a just as important as what is written. A formalist will argue that the form of a text communicates the meaning.

If Steinbeck had written East of Eden as a musical instead of a novel, what would that do to its meaning?

+ The Five Formalist Categories for Analysis Structure: What does the text physically look like on the page? Diction: What words are used? Literal or Figurative Language? Sound: What does the text sound like? Rhythm: What patterns in sound or movement are present? Rhyme (poetry only): What type of rhyme is present?