Using indicators for program management and program assessment Draft framework with examples Donna Podger (916)
Revised framework for indicators Evolution of what has come before Consistent with current efforts Framework to organize and present existing monitoring data, provide mechanism to bring science and monitoring together and identify gaps.
Proposed Approach Phase 1: Refine framework Phase 2: Try it out – develop examples Independent science review Phase 3: Develop core set of indicators (web) Independent science review Phase 4: Refine core indicators and develop publication Independent science review Phase 5: Develop more complete set of indicators Independent science review Phase 6: Annual refinement – update of website, develop publication Independent science review
Why use indicators? To help understand relationships between cause and effect (indicators) To assess progress towards program goals (performance measures)
Indicators for different audiences Technical audience Develop and refine common understanding of the system In-depth, detailed, indicators at different scales Product: detailed web-based, GIS based, “drill down” for details Non-technical audience Describe progress towards goals Fewer simple indicators and summarization of technical data Product: annual publication
3 levels of indicators 1. Administrative indicators ($, projects, programs) 2. Driver indicators (factors influencing outcome, including management actions) 3. Outcome indicators (environmental state, DWQ, water supply reliability)
Conceptual Models
Conceptual models Be explicit as possible Based on current scientific knowledge Describe linkages between drivers and outcomes, including a discussion of importance, understanding and predictability Basis of discussion for expected outcomes of management actions Can be quantitative models
Benefits of conceptual models Documents rationale for decision making Allows multi-disciplinary review and discussion Reduces chances of faulty reasoning or unintended consequences Provides a basis for incorporating new information and continually improving knowledge of system
Ideas for web-based communication product
CALFED Bay Delta Program Using indicators to inform science, management and adaptive management The CALFED Bay Delta Program is using indicators to help understand the relationships between management actions and outcomes related to program goals. For a summary of the program as a whole, click on the mission statement below or on the elements of the graphic on this page. The mission of the CALFED Bay Delta Program is to develop a long-term comprehensive plan that will restore ecological health and improve water management for beneficial uses of the Bay Delta system. To find out more about progress towards each of the program’s goals: click on each of the goals listed below: Improve water supply reliability Restore the Bay-Delta ecosystem Improve water quality Enhance levee stability in the Delta CALFED Bay Delta Program Back to indicators home page
2. Introduction slide 3. Framework overview Framework Process Glossary 4. Program indicators and PM 5. Overall programWater supply reliability Water qualityEcosystem Restoration Levee Integrity 6. Entire program Policy WSR PolicyDWQ PolicyERP PolicyLevees Policy 7. Entire program Implementation 8. Entire program Cause & effect WSR Implementation DWQ Implementation ERP Implementation Levees Implementation WSR Cause and effect DWQ Cause and effect ERP Cause and effect Levees Cause and effect Other WQ Cause and effect Other WQ Implementation Other WQ Policy
CALFED Bay Delta Program The mission of the CALFED Bay Delta Program is to develop a long-term comprehensive plan that will restore ecological health and improve water management for beneficial uses of the Bay Delta system. The diagram at the right shows the relationship between the 3 levels of indicators and policy, management and science. A series of web pages explains the policy, implementation and outcomes related to the goals of the CALFED Bay Delta program. Click on the arrows to the right or the list below to find out more about the overall program: What are the goals defined by policy makers and the resources allocated to reach them? How are the resources being implemented into actions? How are actions and other factors causing progress towards goals? To find out more about the specific progress and goals of the program, click on the links below: Improve water supply reliability Restore the Bay-Delta ecosystem Improve water quality Enhance levee stability in the Delta Back to indicators home page
CALFED Bay Delta Program : Policy and Administrative Indicators This slide will describe or be a portal for explanations about who / how policy decisions are made including: Defining the goals and objectives for the program Giving short-term directions / plans Allocating resources to achieve the goals There may also be links to related organizations that make policy decisions and allocate resources to areas of mutual interest. Policy decision makers Defining goals and objectives Setting direction Allocating resources to achieve goals Administrative indicators Back to indicators home page
CALFED Bay Delta Program : Implementation and Driver Indicators This page will give a summary / portal to discuss how resources are being implemented to achieve actions. This will include a description of investigative efforts, monitoring, planning, and implementation actions. Implementation agencies Resources allocated InvestigationsMonitoring Actions Planning Administrative indicators Driver indicators Back to CBDA indicators page
CALFED Bay Delta Program : Understanding cause and effect Drivers and Outcome indicators System-wide Conceptual Model Geographic Information Access Water supply reliability Ecosystem Restoration Water Quality Levee system integrity Outcomes Drivers Actions Uncontrollable factors This page will give a summary / portal to discuss an overall conceptual model that integrates the four program objectives, and presents information on key outcome indicators for each of the program goals. Back to CBDA indicators page
Levee Integrity CALFED Objective: Enhance Levee Stability in the Delta The mission of the CALFED Bay Delta Program is to develop a long-term comprehensive plan that will restore ecological health and improve water management for beneficial uses of the Bay Delta system. The diagram at the right shows the relationship between the 3 levels of indicators and policy, management and science. A series of web pages explains the policy, implementation and outcomes related to the goals of the CALFED Bay Delta program. Click on the arrows to the right or the list below to find out more about the overall program: What are the goals defined by policy makers and the resources allocated to reach them? How are the resources being implemented into actions? How are actions and other factors causing progress towards goals? Back to indicators home page