School Guidance and Counseling Program Vital Resources Emily Curtis Salem College Monday, April 6, 2015
What are resources? – “a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed” (, 2015) What qualifies as resources for a school guidance and counseling program? – Many things can qualify as resources for a school guidance and counseling program. – Resources can include people and things.
Types of Resources Personnel Financial Political Time Data Calendars
Personnel Resources Counselors Staff within the counseling department Teachers Administrators Office Staff School Resource Officers Advisory Council and other Stakeholders Student Services Personnel – School Nurses – School Social Workers – School Psychologists
Financial Resources Budget Reports – Annual Budgetary Allotment – Annual Expenditures Necessary Supplies – Office Supplies – Counseling Resources and Supplies Outside Resources – Community Support and Resources – Internet Resources and Supplies
Political Resources Existing Policies – School Policies – District Policies – State Policies – Federal Policies Professional Organizations Policy Makers – Administrators – School Board Members – Local, State, and National Lawmakers
Time Resources How is the school counselor’s time managed? How much time is dedicated to each component of the school counseling program? – School Counseling Core Curriculum – Responsive Services – Individual Student Planning – Program Management and School Support Applying a Use-of-Time Assessment (ASCA National Model, 2015, p. 43).
Data Resources School Counseling Program Assessment – Program strengths – Program needs – Long and Short-term goal setting – Plan for professional development School Data Profile – Achievement Data – Behavioral Data Use-of-Time Assessment
Calendar Resources Annual Calendars – Events that occur throughout the year Open House Parent/Teacher/Student Nights Standardized Testing Supplementary Curriculums (anti-bullying, human growth and development, drug and alcohol awareness) Weekly Calendars – Events that occur regularly during the week Classroom lessons Committee/Team/Faculty meetings Small group or Individual counseling sessions
Conclusion Resources can come in every shape, size, style, and form. Anything can be a resource if it provides “supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed” (, 2015) Use and application of the resources available to a comprehensive school guidance and counseling program is essential to the functioning of the program. Assessing, evaluating, and implementing resources is crucial to recognizing and applying resources. Appropriate implementation of resources is supported by the ASCA National Model (ASCA National Model, 2015) and its competencies as a central part of providing a comprehensive school guidance and counseling program to students and the entire school.
References ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs (3rd ed.). (2012). Alexandria, VA: American School Counseling Association. Curtis, E. (2015). Week 8 Discussion Topic 1. Retrieved from Od4fj4_qLQz3B3R9oXAc-uc/edit Gysbers, N. C., & Henderson, P. (2012). Developing and Managing: Your School Guidance and Counseling Program (5th ed.). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association. Morris, A. S. (2015). Lecture 3: Planning - Part 2 [Lecture notes]. Retrieved from tent/1/EDUC%20665%20-%20Lecture%203%20-% pdf Morris, A. S. (2015). Lecture 8: Implementing: Part I [Lecture notes]. Retrieved from tent/1/EDUC%20665%20-%20Lecture%208%20-% pdf