I was a college student mental patient. by David W. Oaks, Director MindFreedom international
How psychiatric survivors and mental health professionals can unite for a nonviolent revolution in youth mental health care 13 October 2007 Seminar International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology
World Health Organization (WHO): "Global emergency" of human rights violations in the mental health system.
Psychiatric survivor perspective: Identify as having experienced a human right violation in mental health. Celia Brown (photo credit: Tom Olin)
Types of Psychiatric Coercion Force Fraud Fear Leah Harris (photo credit: Tom Olin)
Example 1: Force with intrusive, irreversible procedure Involuntary electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) against the expressed wishes of the subject. Occurs in both developed and developing nations. Leonard Roy Frank & Kris Yates
World Health Organization: Ban all "forced electroshock" absolutely and internationally. Benedetto Saraceno, MD, Director, Dept. of Mental Health and Substance Abuse World Health Organization
Example 2: Force with intrusive, irreversible procedure Forced, long-term, high-dosage neuroleptic psychiatric drugs. Also known as anti-psychotics (e.g., Haloperidol, Clozaril, etc.) Larry Plumlee, MD (photo credit: Tom Olin)
Forced neuroleptics at home. Involuntary Outpatient Commitment or Community Treatment Orders can mean court-ordered forced drugging in our own homes. Gabriel Hadd
Screen World for Normality! Judi Chamberlin & Sally Zinman
11 October APA
Recent medical evidence about long-term high-dose neuroleptics: Structural changes in brain. Shrinkage of higher level areas of the brain. Same area of brain targeted in lobotomy. Brain change is indisputable: Visible in brain scans (e.g., CT) Detectable in brain tissue samples. Replicated in animal studies (e.g., monkeys)
“Exposure to antipsychotic and brain size” After 17 to 27 months of exposure: 8 to 11% mean brain weight reduction in monkeys Source: Neuropsychopharmacology 9 March 2005
Fraud about psychiatric drug hazards. Pharmaceutical industry domination is immense. Physicians are routinely misinformed. What is solution?
Unite: Pull Together.
Fear of no alternative. Medical monopoly means little choice. Loren Mosher, MD (photo credit: Tom Olin)
This not a civil war. This is a nonviolent REVOLUTION.
Globalization of psychiatric industry? Drug
Dialogue with World Psychiatric Association? Juan Mezzich (on left) President of WPA in Dresden meeting.
Nonviolent revolution in mental health care? Our vision: Right to say “no.” Full information. Far more non- drug voluntary alternatives. APA protest. Photo credit: Tom Olin.
Voices for Choices in Mental Health by David W. Oaks, Director MindFreedom International
MindFreedom International MAD-PRIDE