WELCOME TO BOSTON LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Biological Research Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Jim Dixon Sharon High School Leroy The Mule Bryce Canyon
What is Life? How would you define Life? What are it’s characteristics? I mean, you know it when you see it right?
COMMONLY LISTED CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE Is made of Cells Contains DNA Maintains homeostasis Has metabolism Reacts to the environment Grows and develops Reproduces Evolves (as a population)
Is Leroy alive? Where do Mules come from?
WHAT IS A MACHINE? A device consisting of fixed and moving parts that modifies mechanical energy and transmits it in a more useful form. A system or device for doing work, together with its power source and auxiliary equipment. A system or device, that performs or assists in the performance of a human task
Is Leroy a machine? Can there be a living machine? Does a machine have to be made by humans?
What will we doing in camp? Experiments and research Discussions Hopefully having fun You will….
YOUR PROJECT Research an example of biotechnology or synthetic biology. Design a genetic machine Report to us (Power Point)