Luciano Di Loreto Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
Choices, choices, choices…
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) starts in… Grade 11! O YAP students engage in co-op programs at their school O YAP s tudents earn high school credits towards a diploma O YAP students work under the supervision of a skilled professional Registered OYAP students are eligible for financial incentives and apprenticeship services.
Who is an OYAP Student? ‘Co-op participant’ A high school student who is earning co-op ed credits for work experience in any apprenticeable occupation ‘Registered OYAP’ A high school student who is earning co-op ed credits and is formally registered as an apprentice with the MTCU while working in any apprenticeable occupation. ‘Accelerated’ A high school student who is formally registered as an apprentice by participating in any of the ‘Accelerated’ OYAP opportunities available through their board
Apprenticeship Combines… Sign a Contract of Apprenticeship/Registered Training Agreement Work experience (10-12 months) 8 week in-school instruction – “Basic Level” Work Experience (12-16 months) - $ raise 8 week in-school instruction – “Intermediate Level” Work Experience (12-16 months) - $$ raise 8 week in-school instruction – “Advanced Level” Work Experience (12-16 months) - $$$ raise Challenge the exam – “Certificate of Qualification” 26 yrs old! 31 yrs old! IN-SCHOOL LEARNING (10%) AND ON-THE-JOB LEARNING (90%)
OYAP ‘Accelerated’ Programs TCDSB Employer Training Delivery Agent (Local Unions) Training Delivery Agent (Community Colleges) Partnering School Boards MTCU
SOME Accelerated OYAP Programs Plumbing Electrician Residential Air Conditioning Automotive Service Technician Drywall, Acoustical and Lathing Applicator Training Delivery Agencies: *Seneca College Local Union 27 *Humber College *George Brown College *Centennial College *Local 675 Local 183 Child & Youth Worker Hairstyling Floor Covering Installer Cook Construction Craft Worker Child Development Practitioner Baker Carpentry
OYAP Accelerated Programs Cook (Humber College) Automotive Service Technician (Centennial College) Child Development Practitioner (Seneca College) Child and Youth Care Practitioner (Centennial College) Plumbing (Humber College/George Brown College) Electrician (Humber College/George Brown College) Refrigeration AC Systems Mechanic (George Brown College) Baker (George Brown College) Carpentry (George Brown College).
OYAP Accelerated Programs Construction Craft Worker (Local 183) General Carpenter (Local 27) Drywall (Local 675) Floor Covering Installer (Local 27) Hairstyling (Monsignor Johnson S.S)
Generally, a career in trades requires traits and talents such as: Good literacy Ability to solve problems Good communication skills Aptitude for technology Creativity and imagination Attention to detail Mathematical and analytical skills Coordination and dexterity Visualization of the end product Most importantly… you need PASSION for your trade! What skills are needed to be SUCCESSFUL?
The Accelerated OYAP Candidate School interview through Co-op Department On-line application Interview workshop (attire, posture, appearance, interview package, quiz, etc.) Interview at Training Delivery Agent Provide application, credit counselling summary form, cover letter, resume, three letters of reference
What to Look For… Attendance Punctuality Co-op experience, volunteer experience Course prerequisites (i.e. physics, math, English, etc.) Math quiz, short readings Interview Rubric
OYAP Be at least 16 years of age Be enrolled full time in a secondary school Have at least 16 credits Be enrolled in 2, 3, or 4 credit Co- op Education Accelerated OYAP Be 16 years of age Be in their graduating year (except in CITI Motive Power where a student can start in Grade 11) Completed 26 credits by the start of the second semester Must be enrolled in a 4 credit Co- op program Have a Social Insurance Number Who is Eligible?
Luciano Di Loreto Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program